It's almost a certainty they'll be announced Mondayjust give me the damn liberty jerseys
just give me the damn liberty jerseys
If they are going to just rehash the exact same design, I will be disappointed.
the dream would be white lady liberty jerseys....a red one would be fantasticI want either a red Liberty or something with the 2012 logo if they go with Navy.
We already had a Navy Liberty. If they are going to just rehash the exact same design, I will be disappointed. Something like this would be bold, and it looks great IMO. But yeah, no way the Rangers are going to take any risks here
the dream would be white lady liberty jerseys....a red one would be fantastic
im not a huge fan of what you put up there, seems kinda blah to me
Wonder if they're teasing a release of either the third or reverse retro jersey...
I always thought these were just okay, nothing amazing. But then again I hate Navy.
Looks like the heritage jersey font for the C.
Maybe? Saw someone on twitter talking about how it looks like Mika's hair.Anyone think this is a coincidence that the C is on the jersey or maybe we're getting dual announcements of captain and new jersey?
Given yesterday's tease of the heritage, I'm going to guess that the jersey layout is going to look similar to 2010 Hertiage (New York diagonal) but with the Lady Liberty logo as the center crest.
You guys will have to forgive me if I judge those harshly who want a red jersey.
I just wanted something new, not the exact same as we had in the late 90s.
Putting an Adidas logo on the back doesn't make it a new jersey