So, I think there are things about Stardom and Marigold that are very nuanced that as westerners we don’t truly know the whole picture, and it doesn’t make those clarifications objectively correct, but they are important to be aware of.
First, Asuka has always been convinced Stardom was created to destroy her, specifically, or freelancers on that level, from what I’ve gathered. She supposedly used to have heat with Io Shirai before Io arrived, not sure about Kairi. There’s like 30 other joshi promotions so I don’t know why Stardom specifically is/was evil.
If it’s about Rossy, I don’t know other than what people say. To the degree that I am, I guess I’m more familiar with Stardom than anyone here even if I don’t watch consistently, I wait for everything to go on YouTube. But if people know things, I don’t get how it’s helping anyone staying quiet about it. Clearly there’s talent that are credible people who insist on helping him because they feel indebted to him. “When it comes out” the time for it to come out is now.
I encourage to listen to Karen Petersen’s take from this weeks Pollock x Thurston when it comes to that announcement about unmarried women trying out for Marigold. Japanese culture seems to be backward in the sense that there are women, such as those who go into pro wrestling, and even some of the men, that in doing so are choosing to make this their life. It’s like eat, sleep, wrestle, and maybe a part-time job. Part of it is not terribly unlike everywhere else, how many people in the business have or had a partner or spouse also in the business? It’s kept separate more in Japan, so these girls are being asked if they willing to devote their lives to this and eschew things like, having a family and being at home like many others do. It’s much more worth hearing Karen’s take on it. It’s at about 40 minutes here