I started a play through of Tactics on original hardware recently. Amazing how this game can still pull me in like it's nothing... I'm going to try to do a lot of side missions that I never got around to doing in the past. Would love for a tactics remake, but I'm not sure it even needs it. The original is still just as good.
PSX or PSP? (I hate the PSX translation, personally)
I think the core spirit of what it is and how it looks holds up beautifully, but to be honest, even for my favorite things, I'm very rarely a "it's perfect the way it is, doesn't need to be fixed, and wouldn't want to see it improved" kind of person.
Nothing "needs" to be fixed, but as an ultra-critical snob, I sure as hell would love to see a version of it that I like even more and have fewer gripes with. Especially when something is SO good that a couple tweaks could outright turn it into a flawless masterpiece.
It's one of my favorite games of all time, but even so, I would still say that FFT has: awfully considered balancing/difficulty curves, awful AI, broken enemy scaling (this is probably the most egregious flaw), annoyingly high commitment random battles (only tolerable via save scumming), and while it has a script that I absolutely adore (old-style english and everything), there are definitely times when the language goes a bit overboard with that stuff and gets needlessly confusing to read (sometimes it feels like they re-arrange the order of the words in a sentence completely for shits and giggles). I'd also like them to fix the point of no return soft lock (or like TO:R, at least add a warning before entering those areas).
I felt PSP Tactics Ogre was similarly excellent already, but Tactics Ogre Reborn was still a godsend to me that shot it even higher up my favorites, so more of that, please.
Plus, even if it doesn't strictly need adjusting, it's tragic for it to not be available on accessible platforms, IMO (even more tragic that everyone plays the crappier version instead of the good one because the latter is harder to access).