All Purpose Coronavirus Discussion Part XV: The Positive One

Which is greatest and best?

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Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
I am telling you all this because even though you know my face (some of you anyway) from various hilarious pictures it's still anonymous.

I broke down just now. I cried driving home and I cried in the shower until it went cold. Sure there's COVID stress but my aunt has been in and out of the hospital because they changed her antipsychotics. She ate a high powered rifle round in her 20s. She shouldn't have survived. Her case is in medical books. She is schizophrenic and manic depressive. She has very little jaw bones left and lots of metal in her head. She is no worse for wear other than the trach scar she has.

2 weeks ago her meds got changed and she regressed after decades of normalcy. She became out of touch, saying her husband was hitting her and all this nonsense. She got 302d. Just before that you could tell things were weird, she was unusually active on Facebook and texting randomly with lots of exclamation points and whatnot. Hospital time. More med changes. Out of the hospital now but she's acting similarly again. Though still grounded. I am worried. She never during all this had suicidal ideations, so there's that. It is stressful.

At work, my lead tech has his vices. He is a good person. When I moved to nights my boss (who believed in him and vouched for him as lead to the other supervisors who were like ehhh at the thought of promoting him) asked me to keep an eye on him. He is our best tech in the hospital. Me and him every week would do something in the shadows to make things run smoother (bit we're night shift so never get credit). He is tremendous in the IV room and even better with technology. He knew all the reports and workarounds with our old drug dispensing machines and when we got new ones in January immediately became an expert on them too. We worked together learning everything. He sometimes comes to work late because he battles depression. Years and years ago he blew up at work one day way before I got there and one of the bosses said "youre dead to me" so there's obvious dissent there. He butted heads with the other 2 pharmacists I work with who have been there for years and years, who he's worked with for years and years and had one major battle with one of them when the pharmacist literally screamed I DONT CARE over and over about a project the tech was working on. He can't escape the bad rap he's gotten. It's unfair. He gets bullied ( know. Not schoolboy bullied but boss bullied and gaslighted) by other lead techs and management.

I kept my eye on him and he has been developing as a leader and has continued to work on useful projects that I have proofread and whatnot. He's printed out manuals on the new technology we have- made a PowerPoint, one slide per paper with screenshits circles and arrows, and laminated. And much more pharmacy process wise.

We were doing great as a work fam despite those 2 clown pharmacists then we got a new tech. She tore us apart. She is Satan. She is bossy (though new) and backstabbing and complains to people all the time. She thinks she runs the shift and if she doesn't get an answer to something that she wants she will go to a supervisor. Naturally, they listen to her because if she talks shit on this tech with "a history" despite being excellent recently, well...who wouldn't believe her? She said tonight to another tech "this is why I hate you" for example, to which she responded "you do not!" in a playful tone and Satan replied with "I mean what I say and I say what I mean" and walked away. She has been here about 2 months. The lead tech had a discussion with her about her attitude and how she should be reporting to him, the lead, instead of other leads or bosses. He stayed level headed and calm. He was a good leader. 2 of our other techs are looking for new jobs. There are 5 on the shift. The lead tech is being moved to the other week, likely because of her "feedback". I will see him 2 days per month.

He is being punished for not coming in to work as a no call no show. During COVID, our staff is been per protocol asked to use time off whenever possible while it has been slow. Simply to keep the body count down. He asked his boss, and has it in email form, if he had permission to use time off for his 8th day (as a night lead tech he is required to be a 1.0 FTE so he works 8 ten hour shifts, 8 on 6 off. Instead of 7 on 7 off like the rest of the techs and rphs) and his boss said yes. He did this for his next 3 "8th days". He was on the schedule to work on these days, but via those emails he was using his time off. Then, suddenly on the 4th "8th day" he gets reamed out for "deciding not to show up, from what I understand" per the boss. This was not the case. He printed the email correspondence out and had a meeting today that wasn't disciplinary (boss said that comes later?). I don't know how it went yet. I wasn't reporting to my boss like a spy, but I would routinely update her about how proud I was of him and how he hadn't had one blow up since I started working with him or anything. He was improving himself while improving processes. But still, not winning or gaining any ground. Losing it, in fact.

While this meeting was going on I screwed up. Long story short, I caused a discrepancy on a narc and a delay in patient care. I had a tech looking through 2 machines to find something that ended up not being there because I looked at the report wrong. Nothing is lost except time, but it was still not a great look and made me feel terrible because my screw up cascaded into a shit show.

I cried on the way home and cried until the shower went cold. I let my friend down because he's still being work bullied, and I let down the supervisor who vouched for him. I let down my other friends today because the mistake I made that cost almost an hour worth of time and altered the workflow of one tech in particular. I let down a patient who was possibly seizing because of my screw up. And I let down my last girlfriend many times (not meaning to, of course) and I haven't really forgiven myself fully for that so in this time of high stress and breakdowness that is welling up again. It will be a year since that break up on June 8th. Yeah, I know get over it. There is no bad blood, but it still hurts every day to some magnitude

If you made it this far in this post then wow good for you. I needed to get this off my chest. f*** this tech man and I'm going to miss my lead. He is a good friend being treated unfairly. I don't think I've been clear but he's getting 3 write ups for this. That's...real close to getting him fired. He said "the meeting could have went better". I don't know specifics yet. He lives paycheck to paycheck. I feel like a thundercloud.

So yeah, today sucks

I will be fine. Peace.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2013
Good news here, but this article really needs a proof reader.

ESPN also reported that while the league has a number of other factors it needs to discuss, Silver said that teams and players should become make it a goal to comfortable with the idea that a positive COVID-19 test from a participant would not stop play entirely. Per Wojnarowski, owners and executives were encourages about the league's ability to minimize risk.
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It'll be a cold day...
Feb 15, 2019
I am telling you all this because even though you know my face (some of you anyway) from various hilarious pictures it's still anonymous.

I broke down just now. I cried driving home and I cried in the shower until it went cold. Sure there's COVID stress but my aunt has been in and out of the hospital because they changed her antipsychotics. She ate a high powered rifle round in her 20s. She shouldn't have survived. Her case is in medical books. She is schizophrenic and manic depressive. She has very little jaw bones left and lots of metal in her head. She is no worse for wear other than the trach scar she has.

2 weeks ago her meds got changed and she regressed after decades of normalcy. She became out of touch, saying her husband was hitting her and all this nonsense. She got 302d. Just before that you could tell things were weird, she was unusually active on Facebook and texting randomly with lots of exclamation points and whatnot. Hospital time. More med changes. Out of the hospital now but she's acting similarly again. Though still grounded. I am worried. She never during all this had suicidal ideations, so there's that. It is stressful.

At work, my lead tech has his vices. He is a good person. When I moved to nights my boss (who believed in him and vouched for him as lead to the other supervisors who were like ehhh at the thought of promoting him) asked me to keep an eye on him. He is our best tech in the hospital. Me and him every week would do something in the shadows to make things run smoother (bit we're night shift so never get credit). He is tremendous in the IV room and even better with technology. He knew all the reports and workarounds with our old drug dispensing machines and when we got new ones in January immediately became an expert on them too. We worked together learning everything. He sometimes comes to work late because he battles depression. Years and years ago he blew up at work one day way before I got there and one of the bosses said "youre dead to me" so there's obvious dissent there. He butted heads with the other 2 pharmacists I work with who have been there for years and years, who he's worked with for years and years and had one major battle with one of them when the pharmacist literally screamed I DONT CARE over and over about a project the tech was working on. He can't escape the bad rap he's gotten. It's unfair. He gets bullied ( know. Not schoolboy bullied but boss bullied and gaslighted) by other lead techs and management.

I kept my eye on him and he has been developing as a leader and has continued to work on useful projects that I have proofread and whatnot. He's printed out manuals on the new technology we have- made a PowerPoint, one slide per paper with screenshits circles and arrows, and laminated. And much more pharmacy process wise.

We were doing great as a work fam despite those 2 clown pharmacists then we got a new tech. She tore us apart. She is Satan. She is bossy (though new) and backstabbing and complains to people all the time. She thinks she runs the shift and if she doesn't get an answer to something that she wants she will go to a supervisor. Naturally, they listen to her because if she talks shit on this tech with "a history" despite being excellent recently, well...who wouldn't believe her? She said tonight to another tech "this is why I hate you" for example, to which she responded "you do not!" in a playful tone and Satan replied with "I mean what I say and I say what I mean" and walked away. She has been here about 2 months. The lead tech had a discussion with her about her attitude and how she should be reporting to him, the lead, instead of other leads or bosses. He stayed level headed and calm. He was a good leader. 2 of our other techs are looking for new jobs. There are 5 on the shift. The lead tech is being moved to the other week, likely because of her "feedback". I will see him 2 days per month.

He is being punished for not coming in to work as a no call no show. During COVID, our staff is been per protocol asked to use time off whenever possible while it has been slow. Simply to keep the body count down. He asked his boss, and has it in email form, if he had permission to use time off for his 8th day (as a night lead tech he is required to be a 1.0 FTE so he works 8 ten hour shifts, 8 on 6 off. Instead of 7 on 7 off like the rest of the techs and rphs) and his boss said yes. He did this for his next 3 "8th days". He was on the schedule to work on these days, but via those emails he was using his time off. Then, suddenly on the 4th "8th day" he gets reamed out for "deciding not to show up, from what I understand" per the boss. This was not the case. He printed the email correspondence out and had a meeting today that wasn't disciplinary (boss said that comes later?). I don't know how it went yet. I wasn't reporting to my boss like a spy, but I would routinely update her about how proud I was of him and how he hadn't had one blow up since I started working with him or anything. He was improving himself while improving processes. But still, not winning or gaining any ground. Losing it, in fact.

While this meeting was going on I screwed up. Long story short, I caused a discrepancy on a narc and a delay in patient care. I had a tech looking through 2 machines to find something that ended up not being there because I looked at the report wrong. Nothing is lost except time, but it was still not a great look and made me feel terrible because my screw up cascaded into a shit show.

I cried on the way home and cried until the shower went cold. I let my friend down because he's still being work bullied, and I let down the supervisor who vouched for him. I let down my other friends today because the mistake I made that cost almost an hour worth of time and altered the workflow of one tech in particular. I let down a patient who was possibly seizing because of my screw up. And I let down my last girlfriend many times (not meaning to, of course) and I haven't really forgiven myself fully for that so in this time of high stress and breakdowness that is welling up again. It will be a year since that break up on June 8th. Yeah, I know get over it. There is no bad blood, but it still hurts every day to some magnitude

If you made it this far in this post then wow good for you. I needed to get this off my chest. f*** this tech man and I'm going to miss my lead. He is a good friend being treated unfairly. I don't think I've been clear but he's getting 3 write ups for this. That's...real close to getting him fired. He said "the meeting could have went better". I don't know specifics yet. He lives paycheck to paycheck. I feel like a thundercloud.

So yeah, today sucks

I will be fine. Peace.

Sorry you have so much going on right now. Sometimes we need to let the pressure escape through a vent and it's good to do as a person. I know I've lost it a couple times over the last month. Between working at home with no one else there most of the time, to every time I go on site at the hospital your radar goes up 10 fold as to every motion you make, to things that should be a simple grocery run being turning into just watching people lose their minds. It's not normal and never will be normal but it's what is reality. And yes reality right now sucks.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2018
As harsh as it may sound, death rates are really more reliable in figuring out how bad the virus is in certain areas. Testing is too inconsistent to gather much real data out of number of cases.
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Registered User
Jun 20, 2018
I am telling you all this because even though you know my face (some of you anyway) from various hilarious pictures it's still anonymous.

I will be fine. Peace.
I wish I had some wisdom that would help, I really do. I struggle with the same kinda shit. Corporate world sucks and is full of situations like the ones you've described. My wife works in healthcare and seems to be full of drama like this. You care for others and are bearing the weight of all of them. I will just say it truly isn't your fight and you do have to look out for yourself in these situations (work wise).



Registered User
Feb 26, 2014
Florida new COVID cases down 14% from the prior week.

Georgia new cases down 12% from the prior work.

Source: Coronavirus cases aren't surging in high-risk states

Some positive news, at least.

Wait a week or two.

There's a lag between a jump in infections and confirmed infections, the explosion in March really began in early February, it just wasn't detected until people were sick enough to be tested. We're still not testing the general population in most places, just those with severe enough symptoms to get an appointment to be tested (and a lot of tests still have 2-3 day lags). Confirmed infections are a lagging indicator (i.e. they tell you the impact of what was done two weeks ago).

All numbers have to be adjusted for the level of testing, as the number of tests increases, you have to watch both the rate of infection and the % of tests that find infection - that isn't generally being done right now.

Third, state level data can be misleading, the major cities have generally locked down for a month, but other areas in states are seeing a growth in infections. So any state with a major city that's a substantial proportion of the population could have a decline if the lockdown worked in the city, because rural areas are lagging in terms of being infected, but they're not immune (see Michigan, Detroit is declining while Western Michigan is increasing). We see this nationwide, where the decline in NYC has outweighed the increase in other areas.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Wait a week or two.

There's a lag between a jump in infections and confirmed infections, the explosion in March really began in early February, it just wasn't detected until people were sick enough to be tested. We're still not testing the general population in most places, just those with severe enough symptoms to get an appointment to be tested (and a lot of tests still have 2-3 day lags). Confirmed infections are a lagging indicator (i.e. they tell you the impact of what was done two weeks ago).

All numbers have to be adjusted for the level of testing, as the number of tests increases, you have to watch both the rate of infection and the % of tests that find infection - that isn't generally being done right now.

Third, state level data can be misleading, the major cities have generally locked down for a month, but other areas in states are seeing a growth in infections. So any state with a major city that's a substantial proportion of the population could have a decline if the lockdown worked in the city, because rural areas are lagging in terms of being infected, but they're not immune (see Michigan, Detroit is declining while Western Michigan is increasing). We see this nationwide, where the decline in NYC has outweighed the increase in other areas.

So far the "just wait 2 weeks" method has yet to fail. Unfortunately.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Crazy that there isnt more uproar over the employee liability piece

Allowing companies to cheap out on employee protection is a fantastic way to ensure their locations become infection hotspots. Unfortunately, it takes the threat of lawsuits and fines to get companies in line because most of them lack the imagination to realize how much they'll lose if they have to keep shutting down.
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2014
The weird thing about the GO's stance is how self-destructive it is in terms of re-election and his place in history.

Take wearing a mask, he could wear one, joke about it, but stress the importance of doing so, because "small town" America cares about each other. Problem - the GO has no experience with anything but his "bubble" of money and privilege, which has been exaggerated in the WH. He doesn't get the contradiction in having everyone around him tested daily (and now wearing masks) and his cavalier attitude toward testing, masks and social distance for the rest of America. And he could have encouraged Congress to fund mask production.

Testing, he could have taken the lead, used the Defense Production Act to ensure that supplies were produced and distributed on a massive scale, that funds were made available to encourage new, fast turn around testing technology and to ensure its viability. Instead . . .

Leadership, he could have led a day of mourning, supported the front line workers, and cajoled his supporters into cooperating with their state governments in slowing the growth and hastening the day we can safety open up the economy. Instead, he tweets support for idiots and pushes states to open in opposition to the guidelines his government has proposed. The GO only uses the DPA to get food processors off the hook for failure to provide safe working conditions. He wants credit for restarting the economy and to deflect blame to governors if anything goes wrong (ask Governor Kemp about the GO's ability to talk through both sides of his mouth).

The only explanation I can come up with is the GO is delusional, he really believes his own BS, and thinks if he declares victory, the virus will quietly surrender. He won't listen to Fauci, but doesn't dare fire him, he wants to jump start the economy but is blind to the impact a second wave would have on an economic recovery, he jumps at every hint of a "miracle cure," hoping that a deux ex machina will get him out of this mess. But this isn't reality TV where you can edit the takes into something that makes you look good.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
The weird thing about the GO's stance is how self-destructive it is in terms of re-election and his place in history.

Take wearing a mask, he could wear one, joke about it, but stress the importance of doing so, because "small town" America cares about each other. Problem - the GO has no experience with anything but his "bubble" of money and privilege, which has been exaggerated in the WH. He doesn't get the contradiction in having everyone around him tested daily (and now wearing masks) and his cavalier attitude toward testing, masks and social distance for the rest of America. And he could have encouraged Congress to fund mask production.

Testing, he could have taken the lead, used the Defense Production Act to ensure that supplies were produced and distributed on a massive scale, that funds were made available to encourage new, fast turn around testing technology and to ensure its viability. Instead . . .

Leadership, he could have led a day of mourning, supported the front line workers, and cajoled his supporters into cooperating with their state governments in slowing the growth and hastening the day we can safety open up the economy. Instead, he tweets support for idiots and pushes states to open in opposition to the guidelines his government has proposed. The GO only uses the DPA to get food processors off the hook for failure to provide safe working conditions. He wants credit for restarting the economy and to deflect blame to governors if anything goes wrong (ask Governor Kemp about the GO's ability to talk through both sides of his mouth).

The only explanation I can come up with is the GO is delusional, he really believes his own BS, and thinks if he declares victory, the virus will quietly surrender. He won't listen to Fauci, but doesn't dare fire him, he wants to jump start the economy but is blind to the impact a second wave would have on an economic recovery, he jumps at every hint of a "miracle cure," hoping that a deux ex machina will get him out of this mess. But this isn't reality TV where you can edit the takes into something that makes you look good.

The response to this pandemic is going to surpass Hoover's handling of the market crash and Buchanan's handling heading into the Civil War. It arguably already has. Buchanan left office before it was as egregious as this, and Hoover eventually adapted. There is no adaptation here. For Buchanan to be equivalent he'd have needed to actively tell states to "liberate" or some similar nonsense.

It's going to win that top spot for Most Incompetent with the ease of Usain Bolt in his prime. Now we sit back and wait to find out if the fallout is as disastrous as the Civil War and Depression.


Top .01% OnlyHands
May 8, 2011
Philadelphia, Pa
The response to this pandemic is going to surpass Hoover's handling of the market crash and Buchanan's handling heading into the Civil War. It arguably already has. Buchanan left office before it was as egregious as this, and Hoover eventually adapted. There is no adaptation here. For Buchanan to be equivalent he'd have needed to actively tell states to "liberate" or some similar nonsense.

It's going to win that top spot for Most Incompetent with the ease of Usain Bolt in his prime. Now we sit back and wait to find out if the fallout is as disastrous as the Civil War and Depression.

You created this thread, and named it the positive one. Im gonna need you to follow your own advice here.
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