Nova Scotia is 1 hours ahead of EST. Poster is currently on an EST time zone, and the post is 35 mins ahead of the current EST time. Must be in cities with 30-45 min time-zone differences.
This is a silly discussion to be having, but gotta pass the time right now, haha. That person posted that at 12:19, in our local time, which is 39 minutes before the time stamp.
More importantly, the time stamp is the time of the tweet. The post on here doesn't have to be in the same minute. If the person posted it on here 21 minutes later, then everything lines up.
Of course, when I look at the tweet in Twitter, it says 10:58am and ALSO 1 hour ago. This is fluid.
Edit: The time is showing different for me because my settings in Twitter haven't changed since I lived in Nashville, which is in Central.