News: Alexandre Texier will not join Columbus for 2022-23, given permission to sign one year deal in Europe


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
I don't buy the argument of staying close to home when you are his age and with the current means of communication and transportation.
Did you not read "HE LOST 2 CLOSE RELATIVES" and that is the reason Jarmo let him go to Europe this spring. Not all of us are hardnosed and can play through that. I`d imagine his family is close and he feels a need to be close to them after the deaths.


Mar 19, 2021
The guy speaks for everyone lol
You're nobody to forbid me to express my feeling here.
I'm doing it on my own behalf and I don't pretend to speak for anyone else, me
And read up on Tortorella's awful management with certain players. If you don't see what I'm referring to, I can't do anything for you.
I am the first supporter of Alex Texier and my disappointment to see him take this path is even greater.
I'm not forbidding you from doing anything, I'm just trying to firmly place your post in to the categories of "baseless speculation" and "made up nonsense" in an attempt to prevent others from running with your made up rumors and speculations as truth. Your idea made no sense either. Do you think the NHL, NHLPA, and the Columbus Blue Jackets would be fine with him staying in Europe if he didn't have a valid reason? Him being frustrated with coaching (from a coach who is now long gone) is something you made up, and has 0 ground in reality.

This is a board that generates and spreads rumors at a blistering rate and pace, sharing made up thoughts that could hurt Texier if they spread is irresponsible. HFBoards has a very far reach online and posts from here can wind up anywhere. Users need to be especially careful when discussing a sensitive matter like this. It's not some normal circumstance like a typical free agent signing where rumors hardly ever cause harm.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2008
St. Louis
Now I hate to be “that guy” but I hope that this doesn’t open a big can of worms and create a gray area for teams to use a potential loophole in coming seasons.

Let’s say a team is over the cap and it is near the start of the season. They talk to one of their European depth players who has a bigger cap hit. They convince him to play in Europe for a year and his contract will slide. Use whatever excuse that they want like the player wants to be closer to their family or something similar. That player does a favour for their NHL team and that NHL team becomes cap compliant without having to trade an asset, most likely a first round pick to a team to take on that contract. Plus with the rule of no salary cap in the playoffs and European seasons ending before the NHL season ends would that player be eligible for the playoffs?
In theory, sure, there could be. But this was only permitted due to a side agreement between all parties - NHL, NHLPA, player, and team. Without knowing what information was provided to make all parties comfortable that this was legit, it's hard to say it'll be similarly abused.

Also, why would the player go along with this?

Jersey Fan 12

Positive Vibes
Nov 20, 2006
Sounds like he’s having a hard time being away from home for one reason or another. Hopefully he can get it all sorted out. He seemed to be putting it all together on a nhl level and I like what he brings to the ice. Best of luck to him.

Contractually it seems odd that he can leave while having a nhl contract and play somewhere else. Does this eat a year off his contract like it would if he stayed stateside?
Doesn't happen often but it's not uncommon - particularly with younger players.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2002
Columbus, Ohio
Any interest in a centre like Dvorak?
Maybe for Nyquist who is on an expiring contract.

Saves about 1M in cap this year and then keep a solid #2-3 centre for 3 more years.

Dvorak + Hoffman for Nyquist + 2nd round pick
Nope. We're good. Texier was primarily on the wing and opens a spot for another young player. We had 17 forwards going in so this puts us at 16 and one less difficult cut to make. No interest in Hoffman and don't think Dvorak moves the needle for us.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2002
Columbus, Ohio
Lol you have to try. But what about Dvorak for Nyquist straight up.
Still no. We don't want to take on term. That's why we moved Bjorkstrand. Nyquist will be moved at deadline or will be UFA after the year. CBJ is creating space for the young players to get time and grow. They are not taking on older players with multi year deals. Lowers their flexibility with the tight cap already.
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Nov 29, 2011
Sure it's better to have tons of pseudo-fans like you who rage at their team after 2 defeats as I read in the forums of all the teams here...
I spent hundreds of nights watching the NHL, can you say the same

I have been a reference for 10 years in my position in Europe in professional soccer (UEFA) and brought several innovations in my field (and winning national cups and championships).
Keep your lessons to yourself !!

The very fact that you question my support for the player because I dare to suggest that his decision reflects a lack of ambition and motivation, proves how little you know about hockey in my country.

Texier is the best thing that ever happened to French hockey. For a French fan you have no idea what that means.

Seeing him waste this opportunity is the only reason for my comments. If I didn't care, I wouldn't waste time writing here.

You have no idea what kind of fan I am. So stop talking nonsense because you're upset.

What does your experience in football have to do with anything? No one cares about your accomplishments.

You are libelling a player because you dont like his decisions. I dont care what it means to a french hockey fan. I care about a persons well being. Which you do not. Despicable really. You think about yourself and how this affects you (and french hockey?) instead of Texier himself.



Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
Interesting, didn't know this was possible but if it is, why do we constantly see players get their contracts terminated so they can go back to Europe? Why wouldn't their teams just loan them with an agreement like this so they can maintain rights? Who are some other players that have gone to Europe this way?

I'd guess that most of those are either players who are over paid or players who do not have enough potential to be worth finding/making an exception for. There's also the substance abuse/mental health aspect that is at play, which is likely why the NHL, NHLPA and the team are bending over backwards for him. Add in his age and potential and Columbus has many reasons to want to keep him happy and in the fold.

As for why this hasn't happened more often... I can't think of many promising young players who are clearly NHL ready (25g/45pt pace) and is only 22 with 120 NHL games under his belt. What's the saying about different rules for different players? Likely part of the equation here.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
So disappointed and sad about this decision...I fall off my chair. :help:

For us French fans who have been following the NHL for decades and who have so few compatriots to cheer for in the big league, this is hard to take.
I have a hard time understanding this decision and I think more and more that Alexandre Texier lacks a competitive mentality.

He endured a terrible ordeal on a personal level but seemed to have recovered by playing in the world championships with the French team. It's not like he was injured, but now he's choosing to play in Switzerland... while he created an opportunity for himself to play in the NHL. It is extremely rare for a player trained in France, there he is simply wasting his career.

From time to time a kick in the ass is necessary...(unless of course his parents asked him to stay). This is exactly what our young people are missing today.

Or maybe he realized that in his few weeks in Finland for the World Championships that he wasn't ready to leave his family yet - especially not for 7-8 months for an NHL season. And that doing so was going to cause him issues mentally. It takes a strong person to admit that he needs help and turn down a bunch of money (whatever he makes in Europe is going to be less then his NHL contract) to play in a lesser league - especially as a young person. And playing in Switzerland means he's only a 4-5 hr drive (at the most) from home. Not sure where he'll be playing, but when you're that close to home, it' makes it pretty easy to go see family or to have them come see you vs playing in North America.

I'll admit that yeah sometimes a kick in the ass is what's needed... But that's not something that any one of us can speak of without knowing exactly where his head is. And suggesting that he just suck it up is a great way to cause some serious mental health issues down the road. Sucking it up is something that our parents/grandparents did... and for many there were some real issues with it that didn't have to be there.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
I am the first supporter of Alex Texier and my disappointment to see him take this path is even greater.

As long, of course he follows a path that YOU like. The second he deviates off of the path YOU like, it's pretty clear from your posts that despite claiming to be a "supporter" you're not actually in support of him. Because if you were, you wouldn't be questioning his mental fortitude, while also trying to blame it on Torts (who's no longer employed by CBJ).
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
Did you not read "HE LOST 2 CLOSE RELATIVES" and that is the reason Jarmo let him go to Europe this spring. Not all of us are hardnosed and can play through that. I`d imagine his family is close and he feels a need to be close to them after the deaths.

Especially for younger individuals. I was fortunate that when I lost my first close family member I was in my early 30s. It was my grandmother and was very rough. Fortunately we lived in the same town along with a ton of other family members and I had a lot of people I could lean on. I couldn't imagine losing people when you're in your early 20s. And then to be on the other side of the world? That would be brutal.

The dude is 22 and skilled enough that taking a year off (while still playing pro hockey) isn't going to be that big of a deal. Come back next season with his mind in the right place and things will be far better around for everyone involved, including the CBJ organization.

I'm just happy that we're at a place where this can actually happen. 20/30 years ago I doubt it would have. Hell I'm not even sure it would have 10 years ago.
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Bank Shot

Registered User
Jan 18, 2006
First off I just want to say that I wish all of the very best for Texier. He is a hell of a player and I love watching him play. I fully understand why Columbus is doing this and great on them for looking after their player first before their team. I feel happy for both the player and the team.

Now I hate to be “that guy” but I hope that this doesn’t open a big can of worms and create a gray area for teams to use a potential loophole in coming seasons.

Let’s say a team is over the cap and it is near the start of the season. They talk to one of their European depth players who has a bigger cap hit. They convince him to play in Europe for a year and his contract will slide. Use whatever excuse that they want like the player wants to be closer to their family or something similar. That player does a favour for their NHL team and that NHL team becomes cap compliant without having to trade an asset, most likely a first round pick to a team to take on that contract. Plus with the rule of no salary cap in the playoffs and European seasons ending before the NHL season ends would that player be eligible for the playoffs?

Once again this is not what Columbus is doing but could another team try to exploit this scenario?
It won't happen because it doesn't make any sense as an exploit.

In order for such a contract to create enough cap savings to get a team under the cap it would have to be $2+ million.

If it is that large why would the European player give up making $2+ million dollars to go play for less money in Europe?

Sure the contract slides and he could make his $2+ million next year, but he could also just take his $2+ million for the current year and then sign another contract for $2+ million the year after.

The player would just be giving up money for no reason. No player is going to agree to something like this if it is proposed by the team in order to save cap space. This will only happen when the player genuinely wants to leave money on the table in order to return home.

Therefore its not an exploit and will never be one.


Have some PRIDE, Eric...
Mar 1, 2013
Principle's Office
Sure it's better to have tons of pseudo-fans like you who rage at their team after 2 defeats as I read in the forums of all the teams here...
I spent hundreds of nights watching the NHL, can you say the same

I have been a reference for 10 years in my position in Europe in professional soccer (UEFA) and brought several innovations in my field (and winning national cups and championships).
Keep your lessons to yourself !!

The very fact that you question my support for the player because I dare to suggest that his decision reflects a lack of ambition and motivation, proves how little you know about hockey in my country.

Texier is the best thing that ever happened to French hockey. For a French fan you have no idea what that means.

Seeing him waste this opportunity is the only reason for my comments. If I didn't care, I wouldn't waste time writing here. what he's apparently done to French fans is soo much more important than what has just happened to him & his family??...that's the crux of your posts??...geez, sorry for your loss, there fella...where should Texier's family send the Apology card??...:facepalm:
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