There are comments in russian media from fighters organizations members that Ovi did everything professionally. One of them mentioned he have been training in the same facility with Ovi numerous times and that Ovi has good punch with both hands (besides having lots of strength obviously).
The Unexpected.
Ahhh I think we could all tell that Ovi had added to his punching game. His right hand looked awfully strong, when in the past ok 10 years ago, not so much. But 10 years affords an awful lot of time to build up one's weak arm. As a russian left shot Svech is probably right handed, and Ovi looked in great shape to protect himself from big rights. Ovi's left arm and shoulder had him in hockeys version of the MMA "guard" position.
It always helps to know your opponents strong hand, or, avoid them if they can throw with both hands.... which we know now, Ovi can.
I wonder if Brashear taught him that jersey tug... watch how violently he manhandles Svetch early on. Watch his helmet - that chin strap may have left a little mark.