I am Lorde, YA YA YA
Here's the big thing that really gets me in the end
Every single year since he was hired, the Rangers would start the season and look like they had NO clue at all how to play whatever system AV wanted them to play. Complete lack of cohesion, no responsibility from any player, constant breakdowns all over the ice. I can certainly understand the first season (though I remember thinking and probably saying on here that whatever system AV was trying to run wasn't one that the Rangers could actually run), but to have it happen every single year...you'd think that the players would either be coached well enough or prepared well enough that they wouldn't have to spend 15-20 games remembering how to play hockey. That's not normal, and that's not good in this days NHL. You can't throw away a quarter of the season getting back up to speed because your coach can't prepare you well enough for the start of the season or is running some system that requires players to play a full quarter of the season before they start meshing with each other and figuring it out.
I think piggy backing on this has to be that in the moments it did finally get right... blown leads were a hallmark of this “system”
I don’t think AV was as bad as some feel but I also feel he won’t ever win it all. The system doesn’t work over 7 games. U can win Pres Trophies w it but it won’t win cups.
Agree w most that if u blow leads against OTT and “lose” ur best d-men in a 7 game series u should be gone. That this happened a few hrs after the last game can be debated but I wasn’t surprised it happened.