PGT: 9/18/16 North America vs Finland - North America 4 Finland 1 F


Registered User
Oct 15, 2013
i see a team of underexperienced players putting a whooping on a veteran team. it was a beat down

finland team is by no mean a veteran team, and even so the team NA is just way more talented. half of finlands team is pure hard work no talent, and that that kind of skill difference will show on the scoreboard no matter how experienced the other team is.

i dare to say team NA is more talented than the canada roster aswell, but the difference isnt as big as versus finland. if these teams face thats where experience will be an factor.

by a finnish fan rooting for team NA because i love watchin team that plays skill/instinct hockey instead of boring defensive overcoached systems.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2012
Yeah, Finland is the 2nd youngest team next to North America and only 1 guy on their D core is over 25(4 are 22/21) Lepisto who washed out of the NHL a couple years ago.


Not a film critic
Feb 4, 2010
Someone explain the way Gaudreau is being used. He's been the best player on the team every game going back to pre tournament, yet McLellan doesn't use him on a 5-on-3. And doesn't have him out as the extra man.

Da fuq


Registered User
Dec 16, 2015
Gaudreau with only 15min of ice time. It's a peculiar choice.

J-Ho. He was good, no dissing that. Still not sure Grand should be with Angry Birch; My fav Donks looks lkie he belongs.

After this disaster I continue to have zero confidence in Marjamaki. Great in Karpat, fine. The NT? We'll see.

And please all gods no brown nosers like Snipes. If we lose, we lose. We own up, eventually.


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