He has quit on Torts.TK has been completely broken since returning from 4 Nations. Our draft pick thanks you, TK.
He has quit on Torts.TK has been completely broken since returning from 4 Nations. Our draft pick thanks you, TK.
Ya i dont understand it either. Out of the playoffs since December. Had Laughton as his center for a while. Then got Poehling as his center. Plays for the worst powerplay coach in the world. Has his coach telling him to not think. I dont understand it either.tk has been shit for couple months allready...why..
He is leading the tank on purpose.TK has been completely broken since returning from 4 Nations. Our draft pick thanks you, TK.
Tk has definitely been subpar for a few months now, but that shit show was all poehling. Skates into 3 defenders then passes behind someone covered by the 4th defenderTK has been completely broken since returning from 4 Nations. Our draft pick thanks you, TK.
Imagine being out of playoffs and still no desire to try and teach offense.No michkov either 4v4. Torts only thinks d
At least the lightning know how to play in the ozoneI missed the first but this second period is lifeless hockey from both teams.
TK has been completely broken since returning from 4 Nations. Our draft pick thanks you, TK.