GDT: #69 ⋅ ANA @ NSH ⋅ 5:00 PM PDT

I expect klune and Thompson to both be gone no matter what. Thompson was given an extra year he hasn’t proven himself. Klune as a new coach in the nhl, you can’t run a dead last all season power play and be brought back . I’m sure was given 1 year optional 2nd year. Somehow this idiot Cronin might stick around if we win meaningless games down the stretch. And that will really piss me off
As a professional, imma gonna tell you that a walk lasting approximately 60 minutes would do your dog’s health a world of good.
That was earlier when I got home, usually take her to the park every day when I get home. This time she was being anxious because my gf and daughter were outside and she wasn't, so took her out to potty and say hello.
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