We'll let the dynamic presence start to figure itself out. As many have touched on, his positioning and play in all phases dictate a player who knows where to be to be the most helpful to his team. There are plenty of players with dynamic presence who don't know where to put themselves on the ice. IIRC, Modano was one of those players who was great at certain things, but he hadn't really put a concerted effort into the defensive side of things. He took the suggestions of Bob Gainey (Modano's coach at the time) to develop more on the defensive side and that turned into furthering his point totals that much more. The point is that b/c Hayton has some of the other boxes checked off on the list (positioning, defensive awareness, etc.), it is now time to let him mature physically and see him assume a larger role in the Soo. I think that as he progresses, he may just be a little more dynamic than we realize.