I can't help but having this "the Rangers like lambs are being led into the slaughter" type vibe going on in me....lol
I mean you couldn't in a hundred years pick a worse scenario for us heading into tonight's game. I know I couldn't come up with anything like this before. It's as if the hockey gods decided to troll us when they got together on one of their weekly conference calls and it went something like this:
"You know what?...Ranger fans are a bit too giddy with how things are going with their team. Us gods really screwed up and let them have the 2nd overall pick but worse than that we really dropped the ball and let them make some trades and UFA signings which we thought would backfire but unfortunately it looks like they won't and now the Ranger fanbase is happy and hopeful....we don't want to screw them this whole year as they are loyal long time fans but just to keep these Ranger fans humble, let's put obstacles that no team even the 1984 Oilers could overcome and we'll do **** like this and troll these mofo's"
Have the Rangers only play 3 scattered games in the first 17 days of the season so as to get no momentum while every other team in the NHL has played 7 or 8 games thus far........CHECK
Have the Rangers play a hated rival in the Devils who haven't won a game all season long and are 0-6 and starving for a win. ....CHECK
Have the Rangers play this hated rival in their barn as it would be too embarrassing for them to lose again and so they will play as if their lives depend upon it.....CHECK
Have the Rangers #2 overall pick Kakko who already got his first NHL goal play head to head vs the #1 overall pick Hughes who still hasn't gotten his first NHL point and must feel an enormous amount of pressure to get this huge monkey off his back.....CHECK
IDid I miss anything?....lol. Obviously I'm having some fun here and playing around but in all seriousness we could not be in a worse possible spot to play a hockey game. I'd bet Gorton has money on the Devils tonight....lol
I'll tell ya what, if we somehow did win tonight, we will know for 1000% sure that Quinn is the right man for the job. I mean I still think he is but tonight would be an all-time win versus incredibly bad odds.
Let's see what happens boys....can't wait and let's hope that Rangers can survive and at the very least have this game in doubt late in the 3rd. I'd settle for that even if we lost.