misfit fanboy
I don't know how people aren't seeing it.
Zucc was part of the group pushing the offense with Kreider and ADA. All 3 broke out of the D zone on the rush with Kreider in the lead, who gets the shot. As Burns clears it, there are 3 Rangers in their O zone and 3 Sharks, so all 3 of their responsibilities are in the zone with them. The other two Sharks have started to turn into the neutral zone and are the responsibility of Staal and Howden, since they were not a part of the initial rush and are the furthest back... the "safeties." With a long change, they have to read the play and make a decision on whether it's a better idea to stay on the ice and cover the players that they're responsible for or make the change.
Howden, or the guy he changes with, is responsible for the goal scorer and Howden didn't give him a chance to even get in the play with a lazy change. Staal got the change in time, but threw McQuaid right into the fire by taking his time getting to the bench. If it's a short change 1st or 3rd period, the decision is fine, but not with the long change.
ADA's responsibility there is back checking the middle guy and seems to do his best to catch up after a long shift.
I'm a fan of Howden but that was one of his bad moments... along with Staal and the coaching staff.
Zucc was trailing the play. He knows that the other guys are changing, there is no need for him to get that aggressive when DeAngelo is already further up ice than he is (covering that point is his responsibility, hes the winger on the same side as ADA.)
The shot selection wasn't good, the change was worse, but lets not absolve Zucc for messing up here. He did.
Even if Howden gets off on time, thats a 3 on 2 with guess who, Zucc being caught in deep again - that doesn't change.
It's funny, I think of the guys who were out there on the initial shift DeAngelo is the only one who was least at fault for that goal against.
yes. yes to both of these.
when we break this down, its simple poor neutral zone coverage and a poorly timed change.
joe, during the broadcast, said ADA was too aggressive or something like that.
not true at all.
the forwards played no defense due to a poor change and staal lollygagging it to the bench didnt help either.