Fox Mafia Consigliere
Hutton is a very good goaltender.
Every team "makes backups look like stars."
People forget there's only 60 goalies.
Hutton is a very good goaltender.
Skjei has had a weird game tonight: he's been great defensively, but he's shooting himself in the foot with how poor he's been passing.
62?Every team "makes backups look like stars."
People forget there's only 60 goalies.
Hutton is a very good goaltender.
I literally have no idea what doolahan means. I'm gonna assume it means "you goofy f***ing idiot" or something along those lines. You sir get a like!Kampfer trying to rush that **** in.
Just get off the ice you ****ing malevolent doolahan
I wonder if that save earns Hank his game check @Hellion
Is it me or do all goalies come to MSG and have the game of their career on the Rangers. Really starting to annoy me.