Been saying it for a while, hes not a Lightning fan. Very reminiscent of the guy that used to post pro Toronto material yet criticize Tampa, then vanish whenever they don't play each other.You saying like we get swept? So everything is black and white to you? What if the reason we get swept is because Vasy blows out his knee in the next 10 games? Or Heddy and Kuch break their arms? Like is it completely going to be always the Big Bad JBB and Coops fault? Your rage boner for both of them is really blinding you here. Honestly, it actually makes zero sense why you would be talking so much shit now, when the team is performing the best they have in years.
This guy literally shits on any win and every move we make. Thus, it's tough to say you're a fan. The only way he's a fan is if his team goes 82-0, wins the cup, and makes Crosby for a 5th level trades. The guy is just here to stir the pot. It's a worse schtick than old Hose posts. (Sorry Hose).