Teeder Keon
Defeat does not rest lightly on their shoulders
Ya ya he’s crapI know this is a joke thread but Barabanov doesn't actually do.... anything I am kind of done with him.
Ya ya he’s crapI know this is a joke thread but Barabanov doesn't actually do.... anything I am kind of done with him.
How dare you leave Mitch the bitch off this list ! Only thing I'm pissed about is not having the opportunity to slap the Avalanche and their crappy division this year, more than anyone for some reason their fan base is mouthing off.
I totally agree , his magic has vanished into thin airDamn it, Mitch... Vesey has more goals than you the last 3 games!
Good point
I’ll add him right now
Freddie sucks, he broke the shutout streak...Trade him for a 7th
Freddie sucks, he broke the shutout streak...Trade him for a 7th
I've had it with the winning.
wtf are we suppose to bitch about now
LmaoI for one am glad that you did, that little fop is useless, McJeebuzz hasn't got a point in 3 games and Marner still couldn't pass him what the heck is Tahronna paying for anyway, for this guy to use up valuable hot water at the mastercard centre by showering and drinking coffee, at least he isn't using up all that team provided shaving cream.....and have you seen all the excess tape he's wasting on his sticks lately, no wonder he never scores probably can't feel the puck with all those extra redundant wraps, I heard that the lazy little bum won't won't even do his own laundry and takes his and Matty's over and has Mrs Tavares do it for them, no wonder JT is playing like he's forgotten how to hockey, you know what they say happy wife happy life, boy oh boy I've head it with these guys