Tolerable... This particular forum doesn't like trades. ANY risk in a trade is a straight loss, and any 1st rdp gained is gold. (To people in here). The other thing is everyone's idea is stupid unless Yzerman/Red Wings do it. Suggesting trading Walman last year before he was dumped was sac-religious almost, then boom, as soon as Yzerman does something the rationalization kicked in from certain posters around here.
Many people do not care if Red Wings trade for the best player available, they rather stat watch kids for the draft and over in Europe, project kids' talents against HOF'ers and post on here about how the kid is doing and why they're smart for scouting this kid before he got good.
NONE of those names stop me from making a deal, it's just how big does the ballon blow up? If they wanted every name in that first line plus the pick I'd send it, idk how the money would work but whatever.
A deal almost certainly won't get made, Yzerman doesn't put pressure like this on himself, a move like this starts the clock vs being able to cruise into next season with "some" expectations. Fans will expect playoffs if a Pettersson move is made, if no moves are made... fans will buy into the idea of "building up" another season, even if it takes all next year. Also, not to mention, if a trade like that back-fires in anyway outside of catastrophic injury, it's a fire-able offense.