Stages of grief.
Denial. If they can get healthy and sneak into the playoffs, who knows? They could win a round.
Acceptance: They extended their window to contend an extra season or two. Would have been nice to get another Cup, but it just didn’t happen. (We are here)
Healing: You’ve got to start somewhere. Cut your losses and get what you can get. You’re probably not getting a top 5 pick. So get what you can get. Acquire lottery tickets and take your shots at the board, even if they’re in the 2nd round.
Short term: Ownership is on record saying the fan base won’t accept a full rebuild. (I call BS, but that’s their prerogative) You’re probably looking at a conservative approach to a retool on the fly. We’ve seen some teams pull this off, missing the playoffs for a season and then coming back quickly. I’m not in favor of it, but I think this is where they land.
Long term: If you’re still spinning your wheels a year from now, consider blowing it up and dealing core pieces for a big haul of picks & prospects. (Point of no return)