Curious why Peeke? He is getting better and better. Out playing Carlo and is moving the puck quite well.
As with Coyle, whom I love, and the underrated Brandon Carlo, Peeke is a useful player.
Yet hard choices await a club that either does nothing, nibbles around the edges merely to make the playoffs (no guarantee), or does the sensible thing, IMHO, which is to make some painful choices in the present that will bring back immediate and longer term help commensurate with a team that *must* "retool."
That means the players mentioned in my original post must be made available. Including Brad, which of course is a drag.
But the Bruins can get very good, even excellent return on players other clubs believe can help them now. There are, I believe, just three or four teams that are definitely out of the playoff picture. The rest want to make a run & fill those seats.
Again, NOW and the coming weeks prior to the March trade deadline is the time to "make hay while the sun is high," as they say.
The Bruins have to give to get, and dealing Andrew Peeke (or Frederic, John Beecher, Lysell, or even Charlie Coyle; I don't believe they will trade Carlo because of his unique skill set) will not preclude their prospects of making the post season. These players are replaceable.
Brad is not replaceable, of course, but if the right deal comes along, the Bruins have to do it.
And, as Milbury recently posited, negotiations have apparently gone nowhere, Brad is coming off multiple surgeries, he's what, 36/37, and perhaps *he* wants another kick at the can with a legitimate Cup contender before hanging 'em up.
Marchand is a very valuable commodity for clubs seeking to add major contributors/put us over the top final touches. He should bring significant return relative to NHL players, prospects and, most important for the future, relatively high draft selections.
Sweeney and Neely better understand where they are at with this team and its fan base.
Plug & Play ain't makin' it anymore.
Given all that has transpired of a negative nature from season's beginning to the present, surely
even they understand significant change is imperative to alter the complexion and direction of the club.
Always buyers throughout their near decade long tenure, SweeNeely are in an unfamiliar position.
They have a chance to improve both their current and future fortunes.
But only if they make difficult, perspicacious decisions rather than attempting yet again to "run it back" merely to keep the ATM in working order.
They have a golden opportunity to set things to rights for years to come.
They better be wise. They better be bold.
And they better not f*cking blow it.