Not arguing but just wondering about the criteria used to rank these players . I am sure you are quite adept at selecting the top prospects but as a seasoned observer of hockey at all levels , I am very much interested in how you evaluate them . A couple of years back I observed a couple of players projected to be selected in the 5th or 6th round of the QMJHL draft get moved up to the second round when they hadn't played almost all of the second half of the year . Others who played the entire year actually played themselves into lower positions . Once again I was bewildered by how someone could rise so high having not played any hockey . They only had a couple of points before the injuries took place . So that is why I am curious about the listed rankings . Not doubting them but looking to better understand them .
so many factors go into ranking...ranging from how you like a player and are able to sell him to the head scout and have the head scout come on board to draft for your players who got drafted ahead of players that played a lot more i will use what happened in Gatineau with Claud Giroux as the example....Giroux got passed over twice in the OHL draft, one year he was 5'05 and a great player but too small for OHL teams to take him, the year after he got hurt and he grew to 5'10, he never got drafted because no team watched him play which means he became a free agent for us to sign and a guy we had in Ontario knew he was going to be great because of the year before and getting to know the kid outside of hockey lets you know how hard he trains and how serious he takes the sport. So one team might have info on a player that others do not, or a team might have connection with the player, with Gainteau when we drafted Maxime Clermont as the first goalie well he has going NCAA route, we called from the draft table to find confirm his enrollment and it was true, BUT our goaltending coach was his goaltending coach in the summers and told us to draft him he is pretty sure we can get him and we took a chance and it paid off. We drafted a player before (Jean-Gabriel Pageau) and i think it was 6th round at this point, i was wanting a player drafted and got up from the draft table to try to push for my guy from Nova Scotia when our head scout and another quebec scout with us said we are taking Pageau and he is going to be amazing...I actually never watched him play that year and i was thinking ya sure what ever but they knew something about his situation with the AAA team that no other team knew and i can not remember what it was but he would have fell to like round 9 to 10 had we not taken him in round 6.
sometimes in the 1st to 2nd rounds (which is not really hard to draft in those rounds because everyone knows the good players) you have to really do your research, you have to look at the kids school grades which is requested by us for top prospects because a future potential franchise player has to have his head screwed on right, you have to look at how hard he trains off ice, you also want to analize in the interviews set up with top prospects who parents take over the convo and not let the player speak because we had issues with parents trying to tell us at that point on how to coach the kid and what lines he works best on then pulls the kid from the team. So many factors and really hard to say why this kid went ahead....when i changed teams we knew a kid Guillaume Beck was being scouted and possibly drafted a position ahead of us, so we called Chicoutimi who we where friends with and had them draft Beck and we already had the trade worked out before it all happened.
Mostly though we had a Formula to draft by 1. IQ 2. heart 3. Skating.......the player we drafted HAD to have IQ then one of the other 2, if he did not have that we didnt want him. for the kids you where talking about on some getting drafted before others when they did not play, maybe the team looked at how they trained and handled their time off, sometimes if a player is decent size and good skating and you see them being positive with the team and working hard behind the scene then that might be a player you want to take a chance on in like round 5 or 6 as those are traits that translate.
It is very hard to pin point why the player went before, the kid for all we know could have went to one of the scouts hockey school in the off season (which happened to us and i said this is crazy to draft like this) but something caught their eye maybe in short time they saw the player but then recognized what they are like off the ice with training and is an un-written rule to not talk to any player till the season is finished so your research has to come from asking coaches or trusted people you meet through your times at the rink that know the kid outside of the ice. Research is key, getting a well balanced kid who does well in school and does not need his parents to be an adult is major for getting drafted....i know the kids are only 16 years old but in this business you have to grow up fast because once your with the team there are only rules you have to follow but no one there holding your hand to enforce them all the time so the kids have to be mature.