Chazz Michael McMichael
ESPN analytics has us at 92% to make the playoffs now.
So we got that going for us, which is nice.
So we got that going for us, which is nice.
The "you can do better" is more on the "everybody sucks" theme of all your posts. When all you do is criticize, it renders the vast majority of it moot. Complaining that the QB overthrew or underthrew the shots and almost cost us the game when the receiver should have caught the second and could have caught the third -- which also should have been called PI because the defender threw his arm in early and never looked for the ball -- is tiresome.He hadn’t released the ball at that point, so no that was one of his 3 poorly thrown gimme TDs. And the “you can do better” argument is stupid, I mean John Beck could do better than me too, does that mean he didn’t deserve criticism? When you have a guy that wide open make sure it’s a catch first and foremost. Err farther if the coverage is tight.
Between the clock running out at the end of the third and nobody blowing the whistle and the bullshit that gave NO that last play, the Superdome clock operator needs to be fired and the team fined by the league. And the entire officiating crew needs to be docked or demoted and kicked in the nuts.This is sketch. Also that bogus 2nd roughing the passer on Fowler.