My chick was asking me if we’re going to the usual super bowl party we go to even if Washington is in it. I legit had to pause and be like uhhh what the f?!?!? We could be in the Super Bowl???!!!!?!?!
I know, right? There's not a single person on this planet or any other planet that could have predicted this. Preseason we were all thinking how 7-8 wins would be solid. Two weeks ago we were all just thinking how great it is that we actually made the playoffs. Now, this? Unreal!!!I mean what are they thinking being in the NFC championship game?! Somebody pinch me, or better yet punch me directly in the face
Fellas, don't know why I haven't mentioned this before but I'm officially becoming a father to a baby boy in March. If anyone has any advice for a first-time parent, it is more than welcome. Thrilled that he will be able to cheer for an exciting competitive team as opposed to what we've had to bear for so many years. Here's to many many more years of Jayden magic.
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What blew my mind when my niece was born was this automatic love we have for our younger kin. I would have jumped in front of a bus for her from Day 1.No advice. Just congrats and enjoy it! Kids are the best.
At Ripened Fruit —What blew my mind when my niece was born was this automatic love we have for our younger kin. I would have jumped in front of a bus for her from Day 1.
What’s interesting about having my son, is that the automatic love was there, but in many ways I was expecting it. The huge amount of fear that I felt was in some ways more eye opening. As if all my hopes and dreams were now stored into his life. There’s a certain loss of control with that. You really start to FEEL the cycle of life. It’s terrifying.
Now that he is three, what I find the most fascinating is that I can truly live vicariously through another human being for the first time. Watching him on Christmas morning when he kind of “got it”, was some of the purest joy I have ever felt.
My big takeaway now is how my love for him has somehow multiplied and grown. It’s like a learning process: the more time we share, the more I get to know him, the more I love him. It is honestly inconceivable how much you can love. Having that reveal itself to you over time is incredible.
In short, enjoy the ride and the layers it brings. You can’t teach him what you don’t know, so just be the best you can be. That’s always enough.
Congrats man! My advice: sleep now. And get any partying, trips, hobbies, etc out of your system between now and then… you will likely be a hermit for the first six months or so.
Congrats Roric. Here's my advice and you won't hear this anywhere else.
Parenting is hard, like the hardest thing you'll likely ever do, and its relentless, 24x7x365 for a few decades at least. Even the very best parents, make mistakes at times, lose their patience at times, yell and get frustrated with each other at times, or with the child. Even the best parents get exhausted and just need a freaking break from time to time.
So my advice, is, forgive yourself when you're not perfect, because nobody is. Forgive yourself when you don't meet your own expectations, because I think we all feel like a crappy parent at least a few times over the journey. You're not a crappy parent, you're probably going to be a great parent, given you're already seeking input on how to be better. Forgive your spouse when he/she isn't perfect either, they may be carrying a heavier load you are at the moment and they're not going to be perfect either. Raising good kids take patience by the ton, so when you run out of patience, be kind to yourself, take a break, remember that no one else is doing this perfectly either, so its OK if you're not perfect at it.
Other than that, momma's don't let your babies grow up to be Cowboys fans.
To add to what @kicksavedave said —
First kids are *really* hard. Changes your entire marriage dynamic. Take this to heart please.
2 things:
What you thought your wife wanted/needed/loved is going to change, the absolute minute your son is born. No one tells you this. But it does. She will want basic stuff, that was never a thing before (sleep, time to herself, household stuff getting managed, etc etc….). Which means basically not YOU being who you were, but who she now needs you to be. Ensure you keep YOUR lines of communication open, as it becomes harder and harder to find time to talk. Believe me on this, please. There is a reason most marriages die before kids turn 5 (it’s a stat, look it up)
Your incoming son will be MUCH stronger/healthier/able to adapt than you can possibly believe. First kids are so stressful because you don’t know shit about being a parent and they don’t know shit about being a kid. So it’s harder than it needs to be. Everything is so MACRO sized in what’s “actually happening” around you. So be the source of calm and positive influence in the family. It matters. Don’t make it about you.
It’s an amazing journey. As most have said, best one you will ever take on. Easily. Most rewarding. But it’s not easy. No lies. Not at all.
I’ve got 3, and each one is easier and harder at the same time. Easier on the body (less tiring), easier on the emotions (don’t get so worked up on stuff), but harder on the brain (how the hell are we going to manage all of this??).
I wish you all the best sir.
1st kid is like cooking always mess up the 1st one.
all jokes aside, we are all making it up as we go. hug your kids, read to them, let them off the leash when they get older, and lastly feed their interests.
good luck!
Nothing to add just wanting to echo these 2 perfect posts
No advice. Just congrats and enjoy it! Kids are the best.
What blew my mind when my niece was born was this automatic love we have for our younger kin. I would have jumped in front of a bus for her from Day 1.
What’s interesting about having my son, is that the automatic love was there, but in many ways I was expecting it. The huge amount of fear that I felt was in some ways more eye opening. As if all my hopes and dreams were now stored into his life. There’s a certain loss of control with that. You really start to FEEL the cycle of life. It’s terrifying.
Now that he is three, what I find the most fascinating is that I can truly live vicariously through another human being for the first time. Watching him on Christmas morning when he kind of “got it”, was some of the purest joy I have ever felt.
My big takeaway now is how my love for him has somehow multiplied and grown. It’s like a learning process: the more time we share, the more I get to know him, the more I love him. It is honestly inconceivable how much you can love. Having that reveal itself to you over time is incredible.
In short, enjoy the ride and the layers it brings. You can’t teach him what you don’t know, so just be the best you can be. That’s always enough.
Long F***ing Tunnel, Bright F***ing Light | By Jeremy Reaves
It’s impossible for me to put into words what this football team means to me. This franchise. This city. Our fans. All of
Great link, thanks.![]()
Long F***ing Tunnel, Bright F***ing Light | By Jeremy Reaves
It’s impossible for me to put into words what this football team means to me. This franchise. This city. Our fans. All of
Newmark to Jets is official. And a direct result of our success.
That’s so…..Jets. Which used to be us.Apparently this is NOT official, although he's had two interviews, the Jets are continuing to interview other GM candidates. Not done yet.
I would not love hearing that. Especially after seeing all this stuff come out about JD being in the lab before 6am every day.Also, "steps were skipped" LOL
I’d say the game hinges on stopping Barkley from getting 150+…The game hinges on Hurts knee and Wylie at RG.
I think it would take a miracle for us to win this game.If they look as good as they did in Detroit they are going to win this game. Offense looked so comfortable that every time they got the ball it was only a matter of how long it takes for them to score.
Barkley is a huge treat but i think we got this. Lions overally were a better team than Eagles, even though their defense is worse.
The game hinges on Hurts knee and Wylie at RG.
The Jets didn't hire Newmark
Good news for us. I mean Newmark getting a job is fine but him staying here is also good. It's just nice that other organizations are trying to poach our FO.