It very easily could, and that’s what the entire definition of a rushed prospect is? Like this isn’t a new concept. This example isn’t Parekh struggling for the first 10 games before figuring it out. This is keeping him in the NHL whether he’s ready or not for a full season, where 90% of what he’s used to being able to do will no longer fly until he gets quicker, stronger, and used to the pace. Maybe that does happen after game 10, but he is extremely young and still not the strongest physically, and he’s about to see a huge jump in competition. It’s just as likely he follows the Korchinski path and gets steam rolled in his minutes, and that very well could set him back in his development. Especially as a player who thrives on taking risks, if they end up in the back of you net much more often than they work he could stop taking them altogether.
You went off on a mass tangent there that I won’t touch, but baseline is the opinion that a players play has not much to do with their confidence and it’s almost always coaching is widely off base.