2024 47th Overall Max Plante

Well that's a good point isnt it.

Anyways. I'm right. You're all wrong. He'll have a Cross Hanas-esque career followed by something in whatever he hopefully completes his degree in.

I've seen him play. I've seen him not exhibit any NHL skill.

I was simply asking all of his lovers to tell me what I'm missing. Send me a clip of him showing NHL skill.

And that ^ ECHL shooting YouTube is the best anyone's offered......

This will be a funny post to revisit 5yrs from now.

That's it. I've already given him/this topic 10x more attention than he merits. I'll return in 2030 to quote and laugh at your posts.

You keep pulling words like "lovers" "obsessed" "outraged". Nobody is calling this dude a blue chip stud or what ever hyperbole you pull out of your ass on your next post.

Like I previously said, 25% of 2nd rounders don't make it so of course the odds are against him. People are just perplexed that you're so committed to write off an 18 year old (6 months after his draft) that's checked some boxes that track well for a prospect.

Let him develop.
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He was rated as the best passer in the draft so he has at least one NHL skill. 7 goals doesn’t sound too shabby either. Good luck Max
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Always a bit leery when it comes to our NA scouting, but I like that he's not a pick that screams Kris Draper grit/2-way play/200 foot game. He's got skill, he wears a letter, will go the college route, color me cautiously optimistic.
I occasionally like to go back and take a look at my initial view on a draft pick. I feel pretty good about this one.
I occasionally like to go back and take a look at my initial view on a draft pick. I feel pretty good about this one.
Its funny because Plante to me is the definition of a Draper pick. And everything you described, going to college, already a leader etc screams Draper to me.

Just depends if you want to actually give him credit for his good picks, or if only his bad ones count
Its funny because Plante to me is the definition of a Draper pick. And everything you described, going to college, already a leader etc screams Draper to me.

Just depends if you want to actually give him credit for his good picks, or if only his bad ones count
Difference is Plante has a lot more skill than the average 2nd-7th round Draper pick.
Difference is Plante has a lot more skill than the average 2nd-7th round Draper pick.
I'll just go with since Yzerman has been in Detroit. Since 2019, the wings have taken 6 dmen or goalies in the second round. So only have 5 forwards to actually compare with. Mastrosimone, Niederbach, Hanas, Buchelnikov, and Dylan James.

A quote about him "Now he has grown a couple of inches and the playmaking has continued, still packaged within that hardworking, well-liked character, which is a favorite of coaches and teammates. He has also clearly worked hard to continue to build a sellable identity as an all-around player and worker when he doesn't have the puck".

Mastrosimone: "An assistant captain with the USHL’s Chicago Steel and their leading goal-scorer, Matrosimone has a natural knack for filling the back of the net, something he has done at every level of hockey thus far in his career. Reads the play quicker than most opposing defenders and beats them thanks to his great acceleration, high compete level and deft puck skills."

Hanas: ""The Texas-born Hanas has nice creativity in his game and confidence in his hands. He skates well and has a strong frame with physical strength."

Neiderbach: "When Niederbach is looking to make plays and layering fakes and deception into his game, he can shed past defenders and function as a primary carrier. I love his willingness to try again when his carry doesn’t work the full time and the way he uses his vision to pull the opposing players away from his intended line."

I'm not going to get into later round picks but at time of draft, a lot of these second rounders were touted as highly skilled guys. People on here loved Neiderbach for a long time, Mastrosimone was a favourite prospect of a lot of people. You're just using hindsight to say these guys weren't skilled at draft time because they didn't pan out.

You'll talk about Plante the exact same way in 5 years if he doesn't pan out and act like you knew better than Draper. Buchelnikov is the most skilled of the whole group obviously, but at draft time I would say Neiderbach and Mastrosimone were considered better shots at being offensive players in the future. If Plante ends up going the way those guys did though, I wont change my tune on him to make Draper seem like he does something he doesn't do.
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