The issue is the style of play, not really the players.
This heavy, staunch defense really requires an all hands on deck approach. Players taking a different approach throw the team off of its axis, no matter how badly production is needed. The Kings have drafted plenty of talent, the shortcoming is always trying to get them to buy in to the system. Some kids take too long because they aren't physically mature enough to play heavy, some have had a very difficult time merging their skill set into the gameplan, and some of them even gave up entirely.
I have been saying for damn near a decade now that nothing will change until Kopitar is gone. Its not a knock on Anze, at least not directly, it's an indictment of an organization that bought in so heavily on the type of game he plays and the respect he has earned that they aren't adapting to the qualities of players they have drafted. Anze's style of play is hyper-specific to his skill sets and physicality. In my opinion, that respect is detrimental because it has led to a decade of trying to force modern skill kids into a hyper-specific Anze shaped hole and it just hasn't worked.
Nothing will change here until they realize it's antiquated thinking. They need to cut loose of the past, bottom out, bring in talent, and let that talent grow organically into team leaders and respect THEIR ability to dictate the kind of game they should be playing.
Blake, Robitaille and Co have wasted 10 years trying to shape new Anze's and wasting what honestly could have been a new golden age for the LA Kings.