Water is wet. Kings powerplay is embarrassing.Pretty embarrassing powerplay.
It’s pretty hard to quantify the levels of awful he is capable of, but that certainly is a memorably awful shift.that might be the worst shift i've ever seen fiala play
The two part question kind of stumped him .They asked Kopi what he thought of Lewis.. and he took about 15 secs before he said ‘very versatile’.. awkward
he wasn't awful until the last 5 minutes and he's on some kind of "shit your pants" "slip in the shit" cycle right nowHows my boy fisla doin tonite???
It's not too hard when nobody is willing to shoot or they miss it so bad Tampa gets it right back Nobody can hit the net worth a damnCompletely outplayed and playing with zero energy
Engblom is doing commentary...any Kings remember him being swaped to LA along with RWinger Kenny Houston for Legend Larry Murphy one of the worst trades in Kings history
I got the other feed cause the LA feed is glitchy for me and making me crazy
You can, they’re both uselessCan I blame this mess on Lewis and Moore returning ?
ASSHows my boy fiala doin tonite???
My dude he's a pretty great f***in penalty killer.I can’t name one thing Moore does other than shooting. Such a useless waste of space