Hate them to lose, had some hope they could stay in a playoff conversation by the end of March, but they lost games that they should have won, and last night was just bad.
Maybe it's better they lost some of these last few games as of late. Basically sending a message to Verbeek that there still is an issue, but honestly, I think he is happy. I mean Leo, Mac, and Cutter are starting to progress well even without the best support from Cronin. The teams PP is the #1 reason our forwards are not producing more than they should.
I think the final straw, or what broke the camels back for the PP? Was having Jacob Trouba on the PP. I think they were just picking players names out of a hat at that point. What's crazy, I really want to know how the Islanders have a worse PP than the Ducks.
I did some digging, if they were middle of the league, just average they would have another 20 PP goals. Can you F'ing imagine, how that would reflect our players stats and the standings?