The Nemesis
Semper Tyrannus
Much appreciate your reports. Because most look at the stats and when they see certain numbers, they think the player is shit and was a terrible pick and Habs should have taken someone else whose stats pop. But they fail to realize that for certain prospects, it's not the stats that tell the story. I think Thorpe is one of those prospects.
This was probably the best/most engaged I've seen him offensively all season even if he just notched the single goal. He got the puck and the ice just tilted for him.
And FWIW, the Brandon goalie is Canada WJC 3rd stringer Carson Bjarnason. So it's not like he beat some random schlub playing out the string until he cashes in his scholarship.
Also shout-out to the Brandon Wheat Kings and their white jerseys, which have a shoulder patch that is just a white square with "BWK" also in white inside of it and in the most generic MS Word typeface psosible so that you can't really see anything unless the light hits it just right. Strong "this is a placeholder and we'll think of something better eventually" energy