With the rumours teams might offer sheet Wyatt in the off season, we need to have near 10 mill cap space banked for that alone I fear.
So I'm sure Nill is thinking if he adds anyone else and they have term, can't interfere with risks to the cap space needed for an offer sheet.
you can exceed the cap by 10% in the offseason, plus they have around 30m in space for next season currently (with Dumbass still factored in), so they can match any offer that comes in for Wyatt.
Even before you get to the capspace, the team making the offersheet, to make an offer the stars wouldn't match, is going to be giving up a ton of compensation in picks.
9.1m-11.5m (which which i would think the Stars match anything up to at least 9) is two 1st round picks, a 2nd and 3rd
11.5+m is four 1st round picks (as of this year), Don't recall if anything had changed/is schedule to change with compensation.
But a team offer sheeting him above 9m is going to part with a lot of assets, celler teams aren't going to want to risk lotto picks to sign Wyatt, contenders might, but most won't have the 9-10m to throw away while filling out their roster.
There's maybe 6-7 teams that could realistically offer sheet him, and the chances of it happening are probably less than 1%.