Finally my vision is rubbing off on others

And for what its worth i think this is Army's plan as well. He eluded to it over the summer in one of the Steen onboarding interviews. He stated something along the lines of wanting to pass the torch to Steen in a good position and he thinks that the roster will be competitive in around 3 or so years, then he kinda laughed and said Steen thinks we can get there in 2.
He also stated recently "We are a year and a half into this thing". So his clock for the re-tool just started at the 2023 draft.
Getting the highest possible picks for the first 2-3 years of the retool is key. This is why ive been Team Tank last year and this year. This roster with as many warts as it has, was never gonna be a bottom 5 team. That being said, getting a pick in the 8-12 range is not only realistic but also important. That pick last year would have netted us a choice of other high end D talent.
That all being said, we absolutely do not need to be "fixing" any roster holes(2c) with short term vets and dropping our pick 5-12 spots in the process. Let the retool breathe, i think you nailed it when you preached patience. There is a vision, shortcuting the process would most likely leave us in limbo... the dreaded murky middle.