And here's another way to look at it. With all the young players we are going to have coming up, there's a couple routes you can take. You can throw a kid line together, shelter them, and hope for the best, or you can spread them out with the vets to shelter them. Since Dvorsky and Snuggerud were always going to be more for next season, this season was going to be key for Holloway and Neighbors to an extent, but really Bolduc to develop into a quality enough NHL player, where you don't have to worry as much with their development if another young guy is on their line. I think all 3 have done pretty well in that aspect. Holloway is a legitimate top forward on this team, Neighbours definitely has some defensive issues and maybe doesn't have that high of an offensive ceiling, but I'd feel comfortable if there was a rookie with him, and Bolduc has developed enough where you can see he's on a path of being a player.
I see our top 9 as being able to have 3 pairs of vets with Thomas, Buchnevich, Kyrou, Holloway, Schenn, and Neighbours, and then we can sprinkle in Bolduc, Dvorsky, and Snuggerud. I could still see them going a kid line route, and Sunny plays up at times for the defensive side of things, but Monty has options.
In a glass half full approach, I'm thrilled with Holloway, satisfied with Neighbours, and very optimistic with Bolduc.