He has all the talent to be even better. Hell for a brief time when needed, he was. He played marvelously for us during the run. I'm just hoping that as he ages and matures he'll find that consistency we really wanted to see from him or at least a much highler low-end. I think he'll get there and would not bet against him. But man, we really needed a 2C and while Mitts is struggling, I still think it was absolutely the right call at the time (my biggest gripe is that the 2C situation hadn't been solved sooner).
Yeah, ill miss him, but it was the right call. Mitts will be fine, here or in Pittsburgh.
I was kinda hoping Mitts had PPG potential, but it doesn't look that way. He's solid though, and exactly what we needed. I'm happy we have a different look at 2C, and he's getting some time to really develop chemistry with our top six wingers.
He's fine, but it would have been fun if he stayed hot all year. I think he has another gear to get to as far as conditioning, but hanging with Mack will only help with that.