It's really to bad that Doughty is out, because they may finally have it figured out (lineup wise) with the forwards where they could be at least a threat to any team (except probably Colorado) in the west. This is the best they have been constructed as far as 4 dangerous scoring lines all year. AA returning to the lineup has been huge, this is the best I've seen AA play since his career years in Detroit. And yeah, Kaliyev and Byfield really looked good. The Kings tried so many different guys with QB but it looks like Kaliyev and Grundstrom are the best fit so far. The return of AA, Brown and Grundstrom just makes the team so much more balanced than having Lemieux, Vilardi, Lias, JAD types they had to use with all the injuries.
There will be opportunities for AK and QB in the Oilers series, if these two can chip in even modest offense the Kings have a chance to at least make it interesting. I trust the Kings defensive system and Quick to at least give the offense a chance, but they'll need offense from all the lines.
You really got to tip your cap to Blake, it gets lost in the other big name moves but the Edler signing has quietly been one of the best in the league. He kind of reminds me of Larry Murphy at the end of his career, not so much in style but just how effective they are in using their game sense to overcome what is clearly not ideal skating ability. Edler is the un-sung hero of the year for me.
Hopefully they will have clinched either by Vegas loss or winning the next one at Seattle. It sure would be nice to start Cal both the back to back games to let Quick get a breather before the playoffs.