OT: 2019-nCov (Part 6) QuaranSpring Edition

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The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
Yeah it was expected after that whole cote st luc fiasco. Even their mayor knows they f***ed up hard.
I thought the US did? LMAO Just a response to all of the anti US posts. Stay safe my Canadian friends!


Registered User
Jun 26, 2008
almost 800 deaths today in italy. WTF. Less than 7000 new cases.

Italy is getting destroyed.


Who took my beer?
May 4, 2010

Haha I’m still fine. School will be starting next week. If there ever was any doubt that things here are fine, it’s the fact that school are gonna be open soon. China is still locked down tight. Anyone coming in gets put into a hotel at their expense for 14 days.

It’s a strange thing: life, other than bars, is basically back to normal, but all the safety barriers the gov has put up are still there.

hell, Beijing legendary traffic is back....

I don’t think anyone here has any doubt the numbers are bullshit - they’re not 8million bullshit - check sources , but the fact is, life is basically back to normal here, and the fact is that would not happen unless thing were faaaat better than they were. Keep in mind, I’m on week 9 of home quarantine. Luckily me and ms md are working from home, but the entire country shutdown for two months.

I don’t enjoy cops visiting my house every other day, but it is what it is...

get used to this guys, I’m through it, you’re just starting....

Adam Michaels

Registered User
Jun 12, 2016
And even then, I'm not sure they'll open in May. I guess we'll see.

I have 2 and 5 year old boys and I try to keep them busy with activities as much as possible, but thank god for Disney+ when we need a break lol.

I have a girl that is 6. Same here. Doing our best to keep them busy. It's beautiful today so it's a great day to go in the backyard and let her spend her energy.

And yes, Disney+ and Netflix are coming in very handy right now.


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Jun 24, 2002
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Meant moreso as forum policy than outright law, but the principle still stands. Spreading misinformation might be dangerous, but there's more danger in shutting down the flow of information, imo. And when very little is known for sure, essentially everything is potential 'misinformation'. I'd rather have a big open discussion where bullshit can be called out than have people be afraid of saying the wrong thing or asking a dumb question.

I think our disagreement stems from what we're talking about specifically. I'm speaking broadly; you're viewing this in the context of this forum and as a long-term moderator (understandably!). I'm not advocating shutting down the flow of (mis)information here. I am, however, defending one's right to subtly take a jab at those who spread misinformation. ;)

And, yes, everything is potentially misinformation. The difference between a responsible individual and one who's dangerous is the former individual recognizes gradations of 'fact' and adds the necessary qualifiers and caveats, while the latter presents their bizarro-world as absolute truth.
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Registered User
Jun 26, 2008
When I see so much "celebrities" having the covid-19 it really tells me the "low" number of cases reallly isnt accurate at all. Its way higher.
It's people who travel. The wealthy tend to travel most.

I'm willing to suspect that if you divide the data by class and family/personal income, people in higher brackets will have it more than people in lower income brackets. At least at this stage. Eventually, everyone will get it.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2013
Legault said the demand for testing is lower than the capacity for testing right now. That's pretty good news. That means not many Quebeckers are showing symptoms at the moment.
the under investigation line on the chart shows that. Our super early shutdown of schools and gatherings might have saved a lot of lives compared to other places.
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