Hit the post
I have your gold medal Zippy!
Forget what age you are; best to get at least an annual check-up with your family doc (if you don't have a GP - get one...). As you said, you can get something like a heart attack and not be > 40 years old.Yo.. a PSA to all you mid-life crisis aged folks.
Get your check up done.
Go see your free doctor and get your free physical which may include a free blood test etc etc..
I got news in August that a cousin of mine dropped dead (pretty literally) from a heart attack.
35 yrs old.
Had two complete blockages. Also had a 1 yr old daughter.
Then news this morning another cousin died - heart attack as well... older - 50ish - but YOUNG AF for dying and leaving his family with 2 young daughters behind.
Wife auto-booked my appointment to the doctor this morning... going for a 12:15pm appointment...
But ****... just get checked out.