2018-19 HF Jets GDT's

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Former Director of GDT Operations
Jan 14, 2012
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Hey everyone,

The season is quickly approaching.
I took a pretty serious hiatus from HF Boards after the July 1st Free Agency week.
For those of you who don't know me I was the guy who spent way too much time posting (most of) our GDT's last year.

I can say for sure that I will not have the time and energy to repeat last years crazy run. But hopefully together as a community we can step up and keep this going through some collaboration.
I will kick us off for the regular season opening game (October 4th)
But I will be out of the country on a trip for almost all of October.
So I will be out of commission for a big chunk of games.

I know in the past (several years ago) there was a permanent thread where we had people sign up to create GDT's. Back when there was a plethora of people looking to do so.
Perhaps a MOD can clarify how we can add this type of thread to the page.
I will kick in from time to time and likely do more than I should but just wanted to give the heads up that I'm looking for other people to step up to keep it going.
We also could use some people who have photoshop skills that can pitch in.
Many people have these skills but not the time to carry the mail (so to speak).
But those people can help out in smaller ways that take a load of the GDT creator's plate and enhance the experience for everyone.

You can post here if you want to help or you can PM me thrthe site.

Looking forward to a new season with everyone!


Registered User
Jul 3, 2011
I can run the GDT sign-up again, Zhamnov. I wouldn't mind doing a few GDT's myself this year - having done 160+ of them myself, I know it gets to be a bit much after a while so it would definitely help to have a few more people pitching in. That said: I might put together an automated GDT setup as well to get back info out there when we can't find someone to do a custom GDT.

Give me a couple days, and I'll resurrect a signup table - the old posts that had the signups are broken, as the tables changed quite a bit when we migrated to Xen.


Winnipeg is Good
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere nice
The vets are all coming back now for the season :)

Hope we got a full line up.
Its going to be a crazy year. We need everybody to pull together ... ;) making all this GDT

Go Jets Go
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Jets 31

This Dude loves the Jets and GIF's
Mar 3, 2015
I would help do it but i'm a complete dumb ass when it comes to this stuff , i don't even have a cell phone . :laugh:
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Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
Really appreciated your work last year Z5GG - and the others too.

I wouldn't mind helping but I have no ideas and no applicable skills. In the entertainment industry my role is strictly audience. :laugh:
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Aug 21, 2011
I wish I could help, but due to two fairly serious health concerns, I wont have time or energy.

As an aside, I'd love to see a Letterkenny tribute GDT.

IMHO, one of the funniest ever Canadian sit-coms. I come from a farm and small town background, and even though I'm 40 years out from living in a small Ontario town, characters in LK are composites of many people I knew or interacted with as a teenager, especially some of the hockey tropes.


Bring Back The Trough
Jul 2, 2016
Hey everyone,

The season is quickly approaching.
I took a pretty serious hiatus from HF Boards after the July 1st Free Agency week.
For those of you who don't know me I was the guy who spent way too much time posting (most of) our GDT's last year.

I can say for sure that I will not have the time and energy to repeat last years crazy run. But hopefully together as a community we can step up and keep this going through some collaboration.
I will kick us off for the regular season opening game (October 4th)
But I will be out of the country on a trip for almost all of October.
So I will be out of commission for a big chunk of games.

I know in the past (several years ago) there was a permanent thread where we had people sign up to create GDT's. Back when there was a plethora of people looking to do so.
Perhaps a MOD can clarify how we can add this type of thread to the page.
I will kick in from time to time and likely do more than I should but just wanted to give the heads up that I'm looking for other people to step up to keep it going.
We also could use some people who have photoshop skills that can pitch in.
Many people have these skills but not the time to carry the mail (so to speak).
But those people can help out in smaller ways that take a load of the GDT creator's plate and enhance the experience for everyone.

You can post here if you want to help or you can PM me thrthe site.

Looking forward to a new season with everyone!

Always willing to help Zham especially with the photoshop skills.


Bergevin sent me an offer sheet
Apr 25, 2014
I'd say yes to doing it, but I've been too busy with work it's not even funny. I'd like to do one or two for a while now, depending on what genre I could base it off or what people would be happy with.


Former Director of GDT Operations
Jan 14, 2012
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
I can run the GDT sign-up again, Zhamnov. I wouldn't mind doing a few GDT's myself this year - having done 160+ of them myself, I know it gets to be a bit much after a while so it would definitely help to have a few more people pitching in. That said: I might put together an automated GDT setup as well to get back info out there when we can't find someone to do a custom GDT.

Give me a couple days, and I'll resurrect a signup table - the old posts that had the signups are broken, as the tables changed quite a bit when we migrated to Xen.

Bump reminder on this.

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