Could any of our Swedish posters post a transcript of that interview? I know it takes a few minutes but I would love to have a transcript
R: I got a two goal scorer with me, captain Lias Andersson. Lias tell us about your thoughts after a game that was the first of the tournament and also contained a lot of goals?
LA: Its a typical first game of a tournament, we start a little so-so, some nerves, but we grow into it and deserved to win. Nice start to the tournament
R: Your own play?
LA: It was like a premier game should be I recon, a little up and down, a lot of room for improvement, but the win felt nice.
R: How is your form? You started the season for the Rangers, things went a little slower for Frölunda, at least in terms of points, but now leading up to the tournament you have scored more and more, where are you right now? We saw a lot of great initiatives from your side?
LA: I think I am becoming better and better for each day, it has been a lot travelling this season, this summer, but I have been able to train hard the last while, so I am starting to come into it for real, it is becoming better.
R: I only have one last question, I got a tip at twitter, that your nick-name is the Shark, what does that mean?
LA: Hm, the Shark, well I am a good swimmer.
R: Okey, so that is it? good, then we will let you go
LA: [big smile]