Yeah let's see if you feel the same way when you see the offense on Sunday.
OBJ is the team on that side of the ball. He's one of the most dynamic players in the league. He's top-5 at his position, at worst. You talk about "the BS". What BS? You don't like his celebrations?
It's not like he's a hot-head and getting arrested when he's off the field. There's no BS. The Giants should focus on building the offense around him, not looking forward to it being the end of his Giants career.
I don't get it at all.
I'll never understand Giants fans who hate Odell. Just like I'll never understand Giants fans who hate Eli (sorry, Jon :/ )
I don't know if I can name a Giants player off the top of my head who I hated. I'm getting there with Eli Apple, and I definitely hate McAdoo.