1. Finland: Look, a killer asteroid! Oh, our goalie stopped that too
2. Canada: “Jordan...you are getting sleepy...you’re at World Juniorsâ€
3. Russia: When we win, we win bigger than you
4. Sweden: As a hockey nation, we’re almost too darned nice
5. United States: Just for the record, we don’t deflate pucks
6. Czech Republic: “Ondrej†is Czech for “awesome studâ€
7. Belarus: Ouch! Russia! You said you’d go slow!
8. Switzerland: Oh, for Forsberg’s sake
9. Germany: We only win 2-1, and some women find that very sexy
10. Slovakia: Still undefeated against Iceland
11. Denmark: Stick to skiing, Norway! Booya!
12. France: Before the third period, guys were quoting Voltaire
13. Norway: Chill, Denmark – anyone would think you just won Eurovision
14. Latvia: Who needs quarter-finals when you’ve got beavers?
15. Austria: The worst part is we all went to bed on time
16. Slovenia: The rebuild starts now: Kopitar for Kessel?
Finn goalies doing their thing