In these past (decades) vs present threads it should always be defined if we're talking about level compared to the time or absolute level.
On an absolute scale, there's no question that '14 defence is better in almost any way imaginable. Hockey has come quite a far away as a game.
I’m so sick of this, It's Newer So It Must Be Better ( by default ) crap, especially from whipper-snappers who never saw the guys they’re disparaging play
When Orr arrived on the scene, the old timers, to a man, said this kidz the best we ever saw ...That’s how good Orr was !
If guys at this year’s OG’s are so great, why were guys in their forties like Selanne and Jagr still standing out, way past their prime?
Heck Selanne, this years ( cough, cough ) OG MVP was playing pro in Finland’s first Div in 1988-9...Kinda shoots holes in that B.S. ‘ Newer is always Better’ hypothesis eh ?
IF u asked Jagr who the best skater he ever played with, or against ( let’s leave goalies out of this ) he'd doubtless say Mario Lemieux...
Gordie Howe played till age 51, he played with Gretzky ( who was certainly on a par with Super Mario ) yet when Mr hockey was asked who the best player he ever played with / or against was ...he always answered Orr without a moments hesitation...
1976 Canada Cup TC Roster Blows the 2014 OG TC roster out of the water....Ditto the 1987 CC Roster
....Gretzky and Mario in their prime were WAY better than Crosby...sans doubt. Seriously try to tell Jagr that Crosby today is better than Mario in his prime, he probably laugh in ur face...Now add guys like Dale Hawerchuk, Paul Coffey and Ray Bourque
We don’t have time machines , but if we could take all time greats in their prime and give them modern equipment, those greats from the seventies and eighties would do fine against todays greats.
Would a prime Gretzky score 212 pts today? No. Would a prime Orr win a scoring title? Seriously, I wouldn’t put it past him...cause again...that’s how good Orr was...
#4, Bobby Orr... Simply the best that ever donned skates Baby!!!
Ergo, Bigger and Newer ain’t always better...