Wrong again. I do not complain about everything, only take off the rose glasses when I watch 10.5m wasted on a guy who refuses to be as passionate as required to win. He and others have 6 years to find that effort. He and othrrs have failed. I will not ignore their lack if passion, f... them and their daddy, their position of privilege to lie to the press and fans everyday with their bs talk, and whining in front of millions.
So are you saying you weren't critical of the Leafs for ditching Lanny, that you didn't complain. That you didn't suggest that Brophy was not a coach. That you didn't question to your friends the Nevin, Duff, Brown, Seiling for Bathgate and McKenny trade and later loved it.
Being honest about evaluating situations with your lifelong favourite team and debating them is part of sport. Drinking kool-aid is ok for some if it allows you to sleep.
If you are a TFC fan and couldn't see the lack of passion last year and complain about it you must be dead. The Leafs are not immune to this.
It is my ticket money, my merchandise money, my internet money, my beer money, my mental health, be it any of my life long teams, Yankees, Bills, Argos, Leafs.
I don't spend money on kool-aid.