GDT: #15 | FLYERS (A) vs. Bruins (H) at Lake Tahoe, NV | Sunday, Feb. 20 | 7:30 pm ET | NBCSN, SN1, TVAS

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In the forest, a man learns what it means to live
Jun 22, 2018

The writers of Flyers Twitter are truly insufferable, especially anyone affiliated with BSH

At least from what I remember, they used to not be - even Charlie although my exposure is limited.

They shit on them, BSH especially especially in the later Hak years.

Since AV it’s been a very different feel. Curious as to why.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2010
Richmond BC, Canada
So this team has looked like a bunch of guys that have never played together for 30 games now and now that they're actually playing with half of a team that they've never played with they look exactly the same.

Weird, must be because Claude is a terrible leader and Hayes should be the Captain.

i think ur onto sumtin here...


Registered User
Sep 30, 2011
At least from what I remember, they used to not be - even Charlie although my exposure is limited.

They shit on them, BSH especially especially in the later Hak years.

Since AV it’s been a very different feel. Curious as to why.

I've gotta disagree with you there. I can remember reading BSH in 2011 and 2012 and finding them annoyingly preachy and holier-than-thou.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2012
You’re judging him playing a position he’s never played before at a professional level without a serious offseason to learn it. I don’t expect him to do anything at forward and it shouldn’t give any indication to his worth as a defender.
Guys, he’s playing forward. His defense shouldn’t be talked about anymore. The fact that he isn’t up to speed and no prepared only proves my point more. He’s bad at forward. And that’s the position he plays.
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