.Seth Jones 5 in a row fiasco?
.Hawks givev up 5-6 goals...again?
.Yank loss secured before1st period ends ...OR 3rd period collapse?
.STL gets goals by some 3rd and 4th line guys who hardly ever score,and by 5th or 6th 3rd oair dmen..whie Hawks "stars" fail to show up...again!
..NO Hawks goals from pure shots unless lucky bounce deflections...failed break-aways and 2 on1 chances not converted...while
STL probably gets 3 or 4 pure shot goals plus 1 or 2 deflection goals or rebound goals in close.
. Finally...while stinking,Hawks also hit Iron 2 or3 times ...naturally.
So with my predictive summary so likely to materialize ...why even bother watching another fiasco on t.v.?...if you paid big bucks to sit in the stadium and watch it live ,I at least hope you do not get rained on while enduring another epic Tank story of woe taking place in front of you ....for your viewing displeasure in what is supposed to be "entertainment" and a "competition" but instead turns into ANOTHER horror show ..but if you are masochists who are gluttony for punishment,ENJOY and EMBRACE THE TANK !