I hope Im not coming off as combative, as I find it to be very interesting discussion nonetheless. I dont necessarily disagree with a lot of your points - I can understand how anyone could arrive at them.
But I think were it changes for me is this - Everyone has a right to feel the way they want to feel regarding vaxxes, how they are developed, if its necessary, etc. A lot of it has all been over politicized, unfortunately. For years it was the "tree-hugging" liberals that were anti-vaxx. Funny how things evolve.
But where your hand waves ends where my nose begins.
Any anti-vax position means you are ok with the idea of letting a disease run rampant, even if it means using your own body as a host. That affects me, my family and friends. I am more concerned about the overall community and stopping the proliferation of the virus than those who are just concerned with themselves. Im willing to take the risks you outline for that
not combative at all.
I’m all for safe vaccines that have been subjected to rigorous studies and solid safety requirements.
They have improved the world incredibly for mankind and have stopped tremendous in-needed suffering.
But mandating a population to take a vax so soon is going to have various risks and potential for long term harm that’s not really understood or talked about at this time.
Covid has affected about .5 percent of the worlds population ( death rate) and shut down the plants commerce for a little over a year.
Can you imagine if this was Tuberculosis or Plague or something that was affected 3-5% ( death rate) total??? In would be all our anarchy...
This mess was handled poorly from jump street.
Polio for example was god awful. Scaring and affecting millions for life and longer.
When Saulk first distributed the first batch of that vaccine, most of the kids either died or had really really terrible side effects that made their lives worse long term.
It took time to be perfected.
A few years ago, the Gates foundation was accused by India and some African countries for damaging hundreds of kids thru vaccines. Some had terrible side effects. Some lost the ability to walk, others lost their vision, some even sadly died.
We’ve come a long way since the polio vax days, But our safety studies still use the healthiest people and in this case it was fast tracked thru for world wide distribution.
It’s still very scary and not enough is being done to inform people of certain risks they face when taking a vaccine.
Especially now with DNA altering MRNA ones.
These companies just list possible side affects on the label so small it’s almost unreadable, and they know most wont anyway. They pay tremendous amounts of cash to CDC and others in order to bypass some red tape. And if all else fails and the vax permanently damages you or your kid, there’s always the fund for lawsuits for people damaged by their vax. Or in the event of death, for their families to go to court for.
it has shown side effects like myocarditis and other adverse reactions in the short term.
A small number of perfectly healthy of young/ middle aged people have also died. Their families attribute it directly to being mandated to take the vax or lose their jobs.
Absolutely agree about the over politicizing.
I hate that the talking heads have turned it into a right/left issue. But it’s an old strategy. Use the divide and conquer method, keep them at each other’s throats, and long as they don’t look to deep at the things that really matter. I remember when I was a kid, from birth to college age we all received about 18-25 vaccines over our lifetime.
These companies have that number top up around 50 currently, and want it in the hundreds in the near future for every child.
To me, that’s not a very good idea. Not with the way our public is so misinformed, and with lobbyists for big pharmaceuticals, and chemical companies Spending massive amounts of cash basically owning any regulatory/study of the vax and its participants.
They have way too much control of information and power imo.
They have been out spending big oil the last few years.
As far as you saying without taking it, your basically letting the disease run rampant on the host.
True, but it’s running rampant anyway.. people are still getting covid even though they’ve had their vax and booster shots.
Viruses find a way no matter what.
Now they are saying the At least getting the vax means if you contract covid it will be less severe. That’s a nice thought, but very tough to prove.
Is it true?? Who knows? But that’s been the talking point.
As far as it affecting the herd... never ever depend on other people to do the right thing for others. You’ll constantly be let down in life.
In this country, everyone looks out for number 1 and what’s best for them and their Families.
Unfortunately that’s just how it is.
From now on, your just have to take proper precautions and try to protect yourself the best you can.
The best line of defense is you. Staying healthy, getting the proper amount of minerals vitamins, rest, etc.
The human body is amazing what it can do and the amount of abuse it can take.
Some are going to say, there absolutely no way they get vax no matter what.
If they get covid, oh well. They’ll deal with it by using hydroxycloroquine and steroids, regenerron, etc other methods to deal with it to get better.
I absolutely agree with you, I worry about fam/friends more then myself. Especially the elderly ones.
But what each person chooses has to be the best for them and their situation.
The worst thing is now you just have to take more precautions in life to take care of yourself and the people that matter to you. It’s a pain in the ass and requires some life style changes, especially for the sick and Elderly. But just being near someone who isn’t vaccinated or out to dinner with them, doesn’t mean your a bigger risk to catch Covid.
Thanks crazy talk.
It reminds me of the late 80s early 90s when they wanted people who had HIV/aids not to be allowed to fly on planes, and require special passes for travel, dining, Etc
It was deemed unconstitutional then even though they could pose a public health risk, you hope they wouldn’t do something on purpose to increase the spread.
That’s why these Covid CDC cards etc, the entire rollout was pretty short and organized.
The same stipulations and regulations as well as “ Social Distancing and mandated masks had already passed Decades ago and made It all the way to the presidents desk to sign before the Supreme Court killed it.
I’m honestly shocked they are getting away with it so much now, but states are fighting back on a local municipal level against some things.
Technology has also made the world we live in more of a fish bowl now too.
the craziest part to me is over the last 2 years this virus has stopped commerce, ruined people’s lives and jobs, is basically going to force a full financial reset on the worlds money system, has large portions of the world/countries population at odds with each other, making it a political issue instead of a science based one, many have died, or have caught Covid virus, some multiple times even when they were vaxxed already, too many rules and regulations to count, etc etc etc ....
And yet there is absolutely No one at any Government, State, or any Country or Health organization on the planet that will tell you how Covid-19 got here and where it came from.... not one.
That lame ass impossible story from a bat at the wet market that didn’t even sell bats was ridiculous. Any first year college Biology student would have been able to track it from whatever animal to bat to human by now.
Originally, their official version was it jumped from 1 animal to another ( possibly Pig) then to bat and mutated. Again, by now, they would have traced its origin.
Once they realized the story of it starting in some unknown animal, then jumping at least twice, finally landing on the pig and Bat was ridiculous, they stopped.
The only thing we do know for absolute certain at this point in time is, Covid-19 is a particularly advanced strain that was evolved with no one in the world seeing any of the precursor steps/mutations for it to be that way. No origin animal/animals and magically showed up in Wu Han, advanced to the stage where it’s make was perfect to infect the human body. From there it is then spread from there throughout the world.
Like it magically just fell out of the sky......
This is 100% not about blaming China or any other person or country. But the fact of the matter is, when it showed up in WU Han it was already perfectly evolved to human spread and transmission with absolutely no indications of how it got this way...
There is like a .000001% chance of that happening, it’s next to impossible. There were no stages, no evolution, it just arrived as a perfect virus ready to run rampant perfect for human transmission. Unlike any other form or Covid /SARS viruses that has come before it.
By now you would think we’d have some kind of answer for its origin... even if they tried to make up a better story.
All we know is that if the people in the know do know where it came from, they aren’t saying.
They just keep sending Fauci or that moron from the CDC out, and if by chance some reporter actually does their job and asks an origin question, they just shrug their shoulders...... very very weird to me. And I’m not genius, lol. Believe me. Just a basic Science Degree from a middle of the road college in Jersey.
I guess opposed to the masses now, looking back, I received a solid education there.
Sorry for the long reply. Site kept resetting and I kept losing paragraphs.