There's something wrong when Foligno is the 1st line winger and leads the team in shots on goal with no points, of course.
We need wingers to set up Bedard for his generational shot, not Bedard trying to set up Foligno and Donato for attempted pretty goals. It's all backwards. Then you get slow Foligno, who is unable to get to his checks as they pass the puck to each other, hemming the Bedard line in a push and causing Bedard to turn over pucks, faking to relieve pressure. Donato is unable to take pucks away to relieve pressure either. The point is, get us two fast but strong wingers to win pucks off the opposition and transition quickly, setting up Bedard on 2-on-1 and 3-on-1 rushes for the release of his shot. We cannot have one shot, Connor. We need him as a top liner, not to overpass to slow or average skaters, poor shooters, and bad puck handlers. Bedard cannot defer his shot to bum wingers. He needs to be more selfish and shoot first, but his wingers should be the ones rushing pucks out in transition, then entering the offensive zone and dropping passes to Bedard for a shot on goal and scores. Or, if the Hawks possess the puck for a lengthy time in the offensive zone, his wingers need to find him for one-timer releases of that shot. Instead, we are getting one-shot games and him overpassing to not ideal wingers who cannot finish enough goals.
They need to rethink what they are doing with Bedard.