Bedard 40% on draws...justx2 shotscon points
Nazar loast all 7 draws he points just 1shot on goal...!..butb hey '(looked " good..though no finishing by anyone on their while you might admire flash we gotta see RESULTS!
Do nitvtelk me they looked good...Tell me they produced.
Odd stats...every Hawks dman finished at Even in thev+/- EXXCEPT Nolan Allan who was +2..
Hawks pk as usual was terrific.
The 3rd line of Mikeyev Dickinson and Tt was the best line ...TT 3a and+3...Mikheyev 1g 2a and +2 and Dickinson +1...
But remember TT setup Mikheyev for tgat shorty goal....Dickinson not onthe ice.
Hawks have horrible faceoff problem...
Bedard at 40% was actually better than his usual numbers on draws...but Nazar losing all 7 of his draws is pointing to a big problem for these 2 yutes if theyc antvto be top 2 line centers.
In this game both DonatovandxDicjibson also not goodon draws.
That Hawks domibated possession time in o-zone despite losing so many draws is commendable..BUT we all know you need to start with the puck possession on draws to have a good offebse in the majority of the games ...
So my question is :
ARE Bedard and Bazar our top 2 libe C solutions?
Can you play y small centers who do not gain possession ondraws?
Sure..if they drive play .and produce goals either for themselves or for their wingers you might overlook bad draw results...but ifxalm tgeycdoi is flash without scoring results except for the occasional score and few multi-point games then I think you cannot rely on then as driving the top 2 lines and especially 5x5.
I still think Hawks need to find at least 1 if not 2 top line cebters win draws,drive lines and produce goals for not only themselves but for their wingers..
In this game Hawks PP looked great 1 PO but did notcscore...looked average 1PP but did not score.. looked terrible on other need to be sharper and finish.
Watching other NHL teams score last night from tge iscitctgat itgercteans have guy who score with open (not checjed) shot goals?
Why do the Hawks not get these enough from their forwards?
It's a mystery...
Hawks get very little 2 on1 rushes and do notvfi bush much if they get some...
Hawks cebterscdo not drivet he middle then dish forbipen shotsvlike I see goals scored by other teams..
With other teanscyouvsee drip passesvofctgecrusj and shotscongoal resulting.. not from the Hawks..
Often itbis Bedardcgoibgv1von4 when hevdrovescthevnidfle...Tgese up the midfkecrushes from him often fail and go 1and done.
Tgeirvifvcourse is more room on pps so you can get more flash and pretty passing.. so BedardxandcNazarxcan "look goof" creating..butcsobehoe ...too often...nothing notcsee many tic tac toew goals from Hawkscon pp..Or hardly any successful 1 timers..
Nazar gotcsetvuobforca 1ctinercand whiffed cause Bedardcsent homa bouncy pass.
Do you get credit for a faikedcpas as "looking good or looking dangerous"?
Sorry for the criticism butvif theycare going to merely look threatening and notcactualky finish..what goodviscthat?
"Nearly " gets too much credit...Only Finlishibh matters...dominating chancesxanf o-zone tone makes games more watchable.. But unless these flashing moments resukt in goals ,it means you still have not found solutions.