Former TheRillestPaulFenton; Harverd Alum
The whole point of this strategy is that replacement level players who play a strong possession/hustle game are relatively easy to acquire, and players with unique skill sets are relatively hard to acquire.
Because this org excels at getting better than replacement level play out of replacement level players, it stands to reason that none of the drafting focus should be spent on acquiring common assets, and all of the drafting focus should be spent on acquiring rare assets.
The other thing to note that I don't think gets talked about as much is that because the FO isn't as afraid as other organizations of letting worse teams pay crazy money to their good UFAs, they are willing to target and retain premium bottom-6 assets like Martinook and Fast via UFA. You don't see anything like a Toronto problem here, where they have to swing on often-not-ready ELCs or vet min-to-$1M one year swings on cast-off guys. This is another factor behind being able to draft BPA/skill guys in the draft.