GDT: 10/13/15 - 7:30PM EDT - Tampa Bay @ Detroit


Registered User
Jan 8, 2009
Palat and Johnson looked slow, lazy and fat. Hell, the whole team looked lazy.

I will continue to believe that they just didn't want to play tonight because I refuse to believe that professional athletes are that out of gas 4 games into the season. I don't care if it's a back to back or a back to back to back. No ****ing excuses for a piss poor effort like that.

Honestly though, we didn't play any better in the first 3 games, we just played ****** teams and got away with it. Detroit isn't complete **** and they made us pay. We really need to wake the **** up because we aren't going to always be playing bottom feeders.

I'm in this camp too, using back 2 back or "scheduling" is such a cop-out, the team didn't want it, and do what they usually do when they're lazy, float around until they're behind then play their ***** off.

There are even tighter schedules in the playoffs, especially if you go to 7 games, I don't see anyone giving "throw away games" because of scheduling during those times.


Elite Fan
Jun 27, 2007
Clearly Detroit wanted to make a statement vs us similar to us against Montreal early last year after getting swept the previous playoffs.

They succeeded but it is just a small bump on the road back to where we want to be, the playoffs. The real question is how they respond to this set back on Thursday.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2013
Quickly reminded why I hate Detroit. That disgusting dive by Nyquist and subtle interference all over the ice.

TheDaysOf 04

[ 2 6 ] [ 4 ]
Jun 23, 2007
Clearly Detroit wanted to make a statement vs us similar to us against Montreal early last year after getting swept the previous playoffs.

They succeeded but it is just a small bump on the road back to where we want to be, the playoffs. The real question is how they respond to this set back on Thursday.

Yep. Just like last year, cutting down losing streaks will be key.


Legendary Poster A
May 12, 2003
Tampa, FL
Difference is in the playoffs you're not playing back to back while the other team is on 2 day's rest. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Jan 8, 2009
Difference is in the playoffs you're not playing back to back while the other team is on 2 day's rest. :rolleyes:

You're right, sometimes teams have nearly a week because they finished their series early.


Legendary Poster A
May 12, 2003
Tampa, FL
You're right, sometimes teams have nearly a week because they finished their series early.

There's usually at least a day off between series though.

But whatever, these guys are clearly cup hungover lazy bums for not breaking through Detroit's clutch and grab routine. RIP Lightning.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2013
I thought Nesterov did well. We were a lot faster in the North/South game when Nesterov was in the lineup. Haven't watched the replay of the game yet...was distracted a bit. But my general feeling was we didn't have urgency until the very end. They were faster to the puck and played to win while we kinda just sat back a bit.

And I'm really getting tired of Killorn at 6'2" and 200+ lbs not finishing off his checks...freaking pus.


Registered User
Nov 30, 2006
Sarasota, FL
While I was upset last night, it took less time for the anger to subside.

3 game in 4 days, back to back road games and Detroit clearly had a score to settle.

We are 3-1, we clearly were not going to go 82-0. It's a long season, need to focus on the next game.

And should someone fire the equipment manager? Holy banana sticks Batman on the number of flubbed passes this year so far! Unbelievable!

Let's have a good practice today and focus on beating Dallas on Thursday!



Registered User
Jun 19, 2014
How about a DFC line?

Drouin - Flip - Callahan , lol.

Why the hell would you break up one of our top two lines right now lol...

(P.S. I totally got the joke I just felt like snappin at ya ;) )

You must be kidding, Nesterov was pretty decent overall and a clear upgrade over the latest version of Sustr.

No... Nesterov sucked yesterday. Sorry, but that's the truth. He made at least 5 horrible passes that I can think of off hand, he missed multiple pucks coming back into the zone, along with a number of other screw ups.

With that said, this was his FIRST game back. He's gonna have jitters, and that means he just needs a little time to work them out.

We'll see Nesty back in game shape soon enough, he's a huge step up over Sustr but Sustr may get more games simply because of his body. Having a D man that tall really is rare and useful at times (assuming he was actually good :dunno: ).


New York Rangers, Anaheim Ducks, and TMNT fan.
Dec 8, 2013
New York
Why the hell would you break up one of our top two lines right now lol...

(P.S. I totally got the joke I just felt like snappin at ya ;) )

LOL yeah don't think that line would work, but you never know. I was thinking this morning, imagine if Drouin tied it during that rush? This place would of exploded, but I'm loving the effort from them.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
we are not playing great hockey is a matter of time will come around in time

no biggie detroit out played us which to me is not surprising what i find annoying is montreal winning cause of how i feel of them lol they are playing better then they are lol so im annoyed so far with them

we will be fine work through it get on a roll etc... four games 14 goals is not bad at all we can be better by a ton so is scary to realize we havent even played a b + game lol

Volodya Krutov

Lost Cosmonaut
Jan 18, 2012
No... Nesterov sucked yesterday. Sorry, but that's the truth. He made at least 5 horrible passes that I can think of off hand, he missed multiple pucks coming back into the zone, along with a number of other screw ups.

With that said, this was his FIRST game back. He's gonna have jitters, and that means he just needs a little time to work them out.

We'll see Nesty back in game shape soon enough, he's a huge step up over Sustr but Sustr may get more games simply because of his body. Having a D man that tall really is rare and useful at times (assuming he was actually good :dunno: ).

For the record when Nesterov ***** up I don't give him a free pass, like the horrible pinching in preseason against the Stars, I personally pointed out this mistake on these boards that's how your losing your job at this level. When I feel he sucks, I'll be the first to admit it.

But yesterday ? We've seen different things obviously, I saw him winning most of his puck battles, I saw being physical and knocking guys off the puck, I saw one or two very ballsy pinches from his part to keep possession, the most glaring error was the screen on the 2nd goal, rookie mistake but Abdelkader was left all alone and NN rushed. Detroit tends also to crowd the NZ, passing lanes are ridiculously small. Those horrible passes were high risk plays to try to beat the trap but they were not reckless turnovers. A perfect game ? certainly not but there's a difference between Sustr suck level in the first three games and Nesterov yesterday, like not close at all. In my opinion.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2010
Gator Nation
I prefer Nesterov over Sustr but he did not have a good night last night. There were two times where he "cleared" the puck by passing it straight into the slot in our defensive third


Registered User
Sep 26, 2013
Even tho it was an ugly game, Hedman still looked pretty good and broke up a lot of plays.

Hedman's playing like a Norris candidate. I saw one minor turnover last game. Other than that, mostly what I noticed was the chemistry between he and Stralman. There was one play in particular where you could see Stralman steering the puck carrier into Hedman.

Stralman's play is going to be overshadowed a lot by Hedman this year, if things keep up, but Coop's famous quote about him is very true. He's been great, and I think that's part of what's allowing Hedman to be so, so great.

IMO, Hedman's been our best skater in four straight games now.

Lord Stan 2020

Elite fan
Jun 29, 2013
New Port Richey Fl
some points imho detroit is the team we will have to beat the next many years they deserve some credit but we are playing poorly overall so far this year too many lack f skating moments and light half passing etc.. we will wake up but some of you on nesterov? stralman yesterday to me was bad instead of running out pucks we were passing along boards not winning races to pucks etc.. just wasnt there and to me that is what ive seen all year

the intensity is not matching what it should be but im sure this team will put it together no one even hedman has been eye opening great this year and hedman has been our best player

we will be fine just is taking time to get into playing lightning speed missing way too many passes not skating it will get addressed sooner rather then later

also im not happy with shot attempts at all in the four days good news we have things we can and will work on:)

to dfc detroit is the team that will make the playoffs with us now and in future and will give us problems unless we play our a game speeeeed we are faster and have to leave it on the ice

i have no worries on pitt boston or montreal we can beat them imho detroit is gonna be the playoff issue so winning in their rink is important wish we had played like it was


Registered User
Aug 24, 2004
Palm Harbor, FL
I saw Nesterov have one or two bad passes, but I also seen him make a few good to great defensive plays as well. I mean, yeah he wasn't as polished as he was when he joined our team last year, but between what I saw last game and Sustr? I'd take Nesterov all day.


TBL Stanley Cup Champs 2020 2021
Jul 8, 2014
I have this game on DVR from yesterday but is it worth watching ? i could have watched at like 9 last night but ugh I hate watching the Bolts play the Wings even when they win.


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