I think that's a fair take. One can't miss chance moves the needle more than 7 or 8 decent ones. That's why it's so hard to quantify hockey.
I think the next wave of analytics is going to be puck-based and player-based stuff.
Soccer has a similar problem where we all kind of know what a scoring chance is but it's very difficult to put in concrete terms and impossible to rank one better than the next. So what they're doing instead, is focusing on the ball and the player. It's hard to quantify chances, but we can quantify things that would reasonably lead to or prevents chances -- passes that beat defenders, dribbles that beat defenders, areal battles, tackles and interceptions as well as tackles and interceptions in prime areas, defenders drawn out of position.
It would be cool to see the same in hockey. It's hard to say how good a "chance" is but if we can say how many board battles a player won or how many times a game his passes beat a defenseman, we can reasonably conclude that he's driving chances.